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PRESS RELEASE – September 25, 2023  The City of Petaluma is thrilled to announce a $1 million grant award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to greatly expand our urban tree canopy over the next four years.   The Petaluma Canopy project is a partnership between six government and nonprofit entities: the City of Petaluma’s Public Works...

The Caulfield Bridge Crosstown Connector Project will construct a new 500-foot drawbridge over the Petaluma River.

HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA ESPAÑOL     Hello, Petaluma! We are halfway through September and it feels like we are off to the races as we make our way into fall. Children are back in school, exciting City projects are in full swing, and we’ve got some great community meetings and events coming up that...

¡Hola Petaluma!  Llegamos a mediados de septiembre y continuamos trabajando con gran entusiasmo por nuestra comunidad a medida que avanzamos hacia el otoño. Los niños(as) han vuelto a la escuela, los emocionantes proyectos de la Ciudad están en pleno apogeo y tenemos excelentes reuniones y eventos comunitarios que seguramente alegrarán sus calendarios en los próximos...

PG&E will be replacing portions of our natural gas pipeline in the Petaluma area.

PG&E reemplazará partes de nuestros gasoductos en el área de Petaluma.

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, September 11, 2023 – On Thursday, August 31, 2023, Governor Newsom, along with the California Strategic Growth Council announced $757 million in funding to advance the building of affordable housing in job-rich, walkable neighborhoods. Petaluma is thrilled that our Meridian at Petaluma North Station (formerly Corona Station) project was awarded...

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