How do I get Flood Insurance?
CLICK HERE to learn more about FEMA’s flood insurance. CLICK HERE to view the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Petaluma.
CLICK HERE to learn more about FEMA’s flood insurance. CLICK HERE to view the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Petaluma.
The County of Sonoma has published a page about evacuating safely in the era of COVID-19. Read the page so that you and your family members can respond in the safest way in the event of an emergency.
The City works with Petaluma People Services Center to coordinate donations and volunteers during a wildfire or other emergency. PPSC is a trusted partner in our community. It has good working relationships with other nonprofits, including faith based organizations, that serve our community. For information about how to donate/volunteer, please contact PPSC at Phone (707) … Continued
If an alert or warning needs to be issued for a potential threat to the City of Petaluma, community members can receive these messages by subscribing to Nixle or SoCo Alerts. As part of our emergency management and preparedness, the City of Petaluma provides this alert and warning service free to our community. To subscribe … Continued
PG&E operates drop-in Community Resource Centers during the day in counties impacted by a PSPS. All centers provide ADA-accessible restrooms and hand-washing stations, medical equipment charging, device charging, Wi-Fi, bottled water and snacks. Indoor centers also offer air-conditioning or heating, seating and ice. For more information, go to PG&E’s community resources web page.
People who rely on a medical device that requires electricity or who take medicine that must be refrigerated must take special care to prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff. Here are steps to take NOW so that you are ready when a PSPS is called: Register with PG&E’s medical baseline program Click HERE for … Continued
You can find out if your power will be turned off in several ways: PGE Alerts: When possible, PG&E will email, phone, or text to customers who will be impacted by a PSPS, before power is turned off. In 2020 season, PG&E is striving to send alerts 48 hours, 24 hours, and immediately before the … Continued
A “Public Safety Power Shutoff” or “PSPS” is an intentional shut off of the electricity grid for safety reasons, such as to reduce fire risk during gusty and dry weather. The electricity utility that serves the area–PG&E, for Petaluma–is the entity that calls for the PSPS. Go to the PG&E website for information about how … Continued
Update for January 4, 2023 City-provided Stations The following locations will provide sand, sandbags, and shovels for community members to make their own sandbags. 840 Hopper Street (City Corp Yard): See map here. Prince Park (2301 East Washington): Sandbag materials will be located at the park entrance to the right in the empty parking lot. See … Continued
To find out whether your residence or business is located in a high fire hazard zone, review the City’s High Fire Hazard Severity Zone map.