How do I make a smoke nuisance complaint?
Smoke nuisance complaints are handled by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Board (BAAQMD).
Smoke nuisance complaints are handled by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Board (BAAQMD).
To find out whether your residence or business is located in a high fire hazard zone, review the City’s High Fire Hazard Severity Zone map.
As part of the business license process, the City’s Fire Prevention and Building Divisions need to inspect your business to ensure that you business meets minimum requirements for safety and emergency access. To schedule a business license inspection, send email to bizcheck@cityof You can prepare for the inspection by reviewing this checklist of items.
Fill out and submit the Weed Abatement Complaint form online. Or download the paper form then submit to the Fire Prevention Bureau in person or by mail (22 Basset Street), or via email to [email protected].
There are two types of fire department permits: Construction and Operational. Construction permits are needed for the installation of fire protection systems (such as fire sprinklers) and high-piled storage systems and for construction that involves hazardous materials and processes. Operational permits are required for certain business types or business activities, such as businesses involving hazardous … Continued