FAQ Topic: Proposed Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay FAQ

Why not rezone the hotel project site to a Planned Unit Development (PUD)?

The City regulates planned unit developments in Chapter 19 of the IZO (Implementing Zoning Ordinance). A required finding to adopt a PUD (Planned Unit Development) is that the PUD would conform to the General Plan. This finding could not be made unless the General Plan was first amended to increase the maximum allowable Floor-to-Area Ratio … Continued

Why not apply for a Variance instead?

IZO Section 24.070.A (Implementing Zoning Ordinance) provides the following regarding variances: “The purpose of variances is to allow variation from the strict application of the terms of this Zoning Ordinance where, by reason of the exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or unusual shape of a parcel of property; or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, or other … Continued

Why now, before the General Plan Update?

The City has not adopted a development moratorium that would prohibit the submittal of Planning land use applications proposing development activity. Therefore, the City must respond to all land use applications that have been submitted. The Statewide Permit Streamlining Act (1977) sets forth various time limits for the review of discretionary permit applications, and while … Continued

Is the overlay document the applicant’s or the City’s?

All application information submitted to the City becomes part of the project’s public record. During the Planning review process, staff can request that the applicant modify application information to respond to issues that are identified. City staff are working closely with the applicant throughout the Planning process to ensure that the proposed amendments are fully … Continued

Why discuss the proposed overlay through a study session?

A study session allows both the public and legislative body to provide their input and ask staff their questions regarding the proposed amendments. The initial study session was a joint meeting with both the Planning Commission and the Historical Cultural Preservation Commission. All amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance, like creating the Overlay, requires approval … Continued

Why is a Zoning Overlay being reviewed?

The Site Plan and Architectural Review application for the EKN Appellation Hotel proposes a hotel building that exceeds the current maximum building height, lot coverage, and FAR (Floor to Area Ratio) allowed by the City’s General Plan and IZO (Implementing Zoning Ordinance). When an application is received that does not comply with current land use … Continued

What is a Zoning Overlay?

A zoning overlay creates additional regulations for a specific area to address a site or area-specific need or objective. It modifies standard zoning regulations that are provided by the Zoning Code. Overlay districts are frequently used in zoning codes to preserve sensitive environmental features, preserve historic buildings, prevent development on unstable or vulnerable land features, … Continued

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