Climate Action
Leading the way on Climate Action
Petaluma has a long history of innovation. From its earliest days, Petaluma's were inventing new tools and expanding commerce. Now that we are facing climate change, the City of Petaluma is leading with sustainability policies and actions that will support the climate. Whether it be new codes for sustainable development, a focus on alternative transportation options, or the installation of electric vehicle chargers, Petaluma will be looking for ways to take action. Recently, the City Council created a Climate Action Commission charged with helping further this effort.
Council Actions
Climate Action is a top goal for the City Council. Since passing a Climate Emergency Resolution in May 2019, the Council has established a Climate Action Commission, lent support to legislation to cut carbon emissions, and adopted climate-friendly ordinances such as a ban on polystyrene products.

City Projects
The City is always looking for ways to integrate climate-friendly practices into its projects and policies. Examples include upgrading street lights with LEDs, restoring wetlands and creek banks, and supporting bike- and pedestrian-friendly Planning policies.

Building & Landscaping
A REACH code is a local ordinance intended to help a community meet statewide energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals. These codes require buildings to exceed the state's green building codes. The City Council is considering how to structure our local REACH ordinance.
Water Conservation
The City of Petaluma has a robust Water Conservation and pollution prevention program. We partner with a local nonprofit called Daily Acts to help the community save water.