Community Update for March 14, 2025

Posted on March 14, 2025

Graphic for the City of Petaluma's Future Fest event




Hello, Petaluma!

As we make our way through March, our rolling hills are being given exactly what they need to stay green through St. Patrick’s Day – lots of rain! Though we’re missing the sunshine, we know it will be back soon. For now, Public Works, Fire and Police staff are patrolling Petaluma to respond to road closures, blocked storm drains, and storm-related issues. Please drive slowly if you see public safety personnel performing traffic control or clearing storm debris.

Please remember: 

  • Should you come across a downed power line, leaning tree, or any other road hazards, please call the Petaluma Police Department at 707-762-2727.
  • If you encounter a stoplight that has lost power, please treat it as a 4-way stop.
  • Report blocked storm drains, culverts, or other non-hazardous flooding to Public Works & Utilities – 707-778-4546.
  • Power outages should be reported directly to PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.

Text your zip code to 888777 to sign up to receive road closure and public safety info via Nixle alerts. Learn about other alert resources HERE.

Need sandbags? We have free sand and bags available 24/7 at 840 Hopper Street and Prince Park. Please bring your own shovel! If you have questions, concerns, or need sandbags, please call 707-778-4546

In other news, we’ve got lots of great information to share with you this week. Read on for updates on art in public spaces, new traffic lights, the new Skatepark, plans for Petaluma’s “urban forest”, safety tips, and more.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Council Meeting, Monday, March 17

This Monday, join us for the next City Council meeting, starting at 6:30PM!

Council will hear the second reading on the Downtown Housing & Economic Overlay and consider the options available to update zoning in specific areas of our downtown in order to support local business and activate vacant properties to support an active and vibrant historic Downtown.

Monday’s meeting will also feature a public hearing on the City’s proposed 2025-30 plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These federal funds support programs provided by our local non-profits including Petaluma People Service’s Meals on Wheels and Rebuilding Together Petaluma’s housing rehabilitation work for lower-income Petalumans.

The meeting starts at 6:30PM in person at City Hall (11 English Street), and can also be viewed via Zoom by clicking the link below:

Remember, in order to provide a public comment, you must either appear in person at City Hall to speak, or email your comment to [email protected].⁠ We hope to see you there!



Local Color on the Lynch Creek Trail

Petaluma artist, Jonny Hirschmugl has begun production of three murals along the Lynch Creek Trail. Two of the murals will be on either side of the path below Payran Street, and a third will be located on the trail ramp a little further East on the trail.

The murals will feature birds and nature scenes along the heavily trafficked cross-town connector. Focusing on areas prone to vandalism, we will enhance the site as part of the City of Petaluma’s Lynch Creek Trail Improvements. Youth volunteers will be assisting Jonny with painting in return for service hours.

Here’s to CREATIVE problem solving with community support!



Apply to Participate in this year’s Fair

The Petaluma Fair is happening June 19-22, 2025, and we are excited to invite our community to be a vendor, volunteer, or sponsor of this year’s event!

Our beloved annual Fair is returning with amazing agricultural programming, carnival magic, and more local vendors than ever before! The theme is “Country Nights & Carnival Lights,” evoking the spirit of a night out at Petaluma’s historic Fairgrounds. 

This year, the City and the 4th District Agricultural Association are updating our partnership to provide our community with a Fair that showcases the best of Petaluma. We are looking for local artisans, food vendors, musicians and more to be a part of the biggest event of the year.  Learn more at!

We can’t wait to see you at the Fair!



New Traffic Signals Coming Soon to SMART Crossings on Corona & N. McDowell 

Heads up, Petaluma! Early next week new traffic signals will be activated at the SMART crossings on Corona Road and N. McDowell Boulevard. These signals will enhance safety and visibility for everyone using the new SMART pathway to cross these busy roads. Whether you’re walking, biking, or rolling, keep an eye out for the new signals and take a spin on the pathway soon!



Lucchesi Skatepark Update – Building Plans & Public Art! 

Hello, Petaluma! Our City team continues to be hard at work behind-the-scenes on the new Lucchesi Skatepark, laying the groundwork for amazing things to come. We are currently reviewing the building plans, making any necessary revisions before putting the project out to bid (the process by which we find the perfect contractor to bring the project to life).  

In addition to ticking items off our pre-construction checklist, our Public Art department is hard at work making plans for community outreach in support of the Skatepark’s Public Art feature. The Petaluma Public Art Committee (PPAC) will release a Request for Proposals (RFP) later this year. The RFP will be open to artists and teams of all experience levels to submit their design proposals for the vertical walls of the Skatepark! Please visit to learn more about public art at the Skatepark and sign up to receive updates on the public art process.  

Please stay tuned to for project updates! 



Swim Center Upgrades

Progress continues at the Petaluma Swim Center! Our crew has been hard at work removing the old surface of both the competition and teaching pools to make way for the new plaster surface and amenities. In addition to the fresh plaster which will provide improved safety and comfort with a smoother surface, upgrades that are next on the list (and that we are very excited about!) include: 

  • Recessed steps, handrails, and ladders to improve accessibility and safety for all swimmers.
  • Racing lane tiles in the competition pool for improved accuracy and functionality for lap swimmers, practices, and competitive events.
  • A full-length step in the teaching pool which will create a safer and more accessible point of entry/exit for swimmers of all abilities.
  • Upgrades to the pool’s circulation systems to enhance efficiency and performance. 

We are currently on track to complete the work and re-open in time for the peak summer swim season. Thank you for your patience as we complete these important improvements. We look forward to seeing you at the pool soon! 

Visit to learn more and sign up to receive project updates.



E-Bike Safety Tips from the Petaluma Police Department

An e-bike (short for electric bicycle) is a bicycle that is equipped with an electric motor to assist with pedaling. E-bikes come in various styles and power levels, but they all provide some level of pedal assistance, making riding easier – especially on hills or long distances. They are a great, climate-friendly way to get around town – and safety is key to success! The Petaluma Police Department put together some important tips to keep in mind when you or a loved one hits the road:

  • All e-bikes must have a front-facing light after sunset, reflectors on both wheels, and reflectors on the rear of the bike.
  • All e-bike, e-skateboard, and e-scooter operators/riders must obey all traffic laws at all times. This includes riding with the flow of traffic, signaling turns when riding along the roadway, and obeying all stop lights and signage.
  • If you’re riding a Class 1 (motor works only when pedaling, no throttle, max speed 20mph) or Class 2 (can be powered by a throttle, max speed 20mph) e-bike in California and are 18 years old, you must wear a helmet. If you’re riding a Class 3 (motor works only when pedaling, no throttle, max speed 28mph) e-bike, you must wear a helmet regardless of age. 
  • If an e-bike does not have pedals, it is not an e-bike and is considered an electric motorcycle, which is subject to all the same rules of the road as a conventional motorcycle. 

Want to learn more? We encourage you to enroll in California Highway Patrol’s FREE e-bike safety course. CLICK HERE to get started today!



Please Store Firearms Safely

How many of us knew exactly where our parents kept things they thought were well hidden? Over 1/3 of U.S. homes have a gun and 70% of kids under the age of 10 know where they are stored. Every year, hundreds of children access loaded guns and unintentionally harm themselves or others.  

The City of Petaluma, the Petaluma Police Department, Petaluma City Schools, and the Petaluma chapter of Moms Demand Action have come together to raise awareness about responsible firearm storage and safety to keep our kids and community safe.   

Owning a firearm is a Constitutional right that comes with serious responsibilities. California law and local Petaluma regulations require safe gun storage, and luckily there are many secure options – from simple locks to high-tech safes – that keep firearms both safe and accessible when needed. 

For great safety tips, visit Need a free gun lock for your home or a place you visit often? Stop by the Petaluma Police Station (969 Petaluma Blvd. North) or City Hall (11 English St.). Just ask, and we’ll provide one – no questions asked. 

Safe storage saves lives. Let’s protect our community together.

You can find more information on how firearms affect members of our community HERE.



What Should Petaluma’s Urban Forest Look Like in 20 Years?

Join City of Petaluma staff and community members on Saturday, March 22 for a fun and interactive community meeting to plan the urban forest future! Our “urban forest” refers to all the trees in Petaluma – including in parks, on streets, in backyards, on school grounds, and in other public and privately-owned spaces.

At the meeting, we’ll talk about trees, dream big, and set goals to shape a greener, healthier Petaluma for decades to come.

When: Saturday, March 22, 9am – noon
Where: Petaluma Community Center, Assembly Room, 320 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma

Please CLICK HERE to register to attend.



Enter The Petaluma River Video Contest

Annually in the Spring semester, Friends of the Petaluma River’s Watershed Classroom, in collaboration with the City of Petaluma, offers three scholarships to high school students and three scholarships to middle school students.

Students should create a short, compelling, well filmed and edited PSA answering one of the following prompts:

Prompt 1: How can our community improve water quality in the Petaluma River? Create a 55-second video that educates our community about one or more common pollutants found in the Petaluma River, and teaches people how they can prevent pollutants from entering our waterways.

Prompt 2: Imagine you are another member of the Petaluma River Watershed community—an otter, a heron, a fish, a willow tree, or even the river itself. Through this perspective, create a 55-second video that answers the question: What can humans do to stop pollution in the Petaluma River? Think about the challenges you face, the benefits a clean watershed provides, and your relationship with the environment and the humans around you. Tell your story and inspire others to see the watershed through your eyes.

Videos can be a skit, newscast, music video, documentary style video, or even an animation. We encourage students to be creative!

Students grades 6 through 8, and 9 through 12, at any school in Petaluma or Penngrove are eligible. This includes Petaluma, Casa Grande, San Antonio, St. Vincent de Paul, Sonoma Mountain, and Carpe Diem High Schools. Home school students are also welcome. Students may work in teams but cash prizes will be split between them.


Videos will be judged on the accuracy and clarity of the knowledge shared, creativity, and video quality. Winning videos will play in the Petaluma Cinema.

April 17th: Video submissions due
May 2nd: Winners announced
May 9th: Public showing of videos and hand out awards

Click HERE to submit your video!



Save the Date for Future Fest!

Save the Date for Future Fest on May 4 – a community-wide climate action festival!

Every year, our partner nonprofit, CoolPetaluma, hosts an annual expo to showcase climate action initiatives and resources from around Petaluma. This year, the expo is expanding – with the support of the City of Petaluma and Petaluma City Schools – to become Future Fest & Expo 2025!

Together, we will be taking over the entire Community Center at Lucchesi Park for a Sunday afternoon of climate action through community building.

Future Fest includes:

  • Cool Petaluma’s annual Local Resource Expo
  • EV and E-bike Demos
  • Student Showcase
  • Panel Discussions
  • Ask-an-expert talks
  • Short films
  • Kids crafts
  • Food trucks

More details will be coming soon! In the meantime, learn more and register at

Can’t wait to see you there!




The City of Petaluma is looking for talented people to join our team! Please click the links below for more information about our open positions.

HRIS Analyst (Human Resources Analyst I/II) – Fixed Term

Information Technology Technician

Part Time Recreation Leader (Summer Camps)

Part Time Tiny Tots Teacher I

Police Officer (Current Academy Attendees and Graduates)

Police Officer – Lateral

Police Officer Trainee

Public Safety Dispatcher – Lateral

Senior Planner

Senior Traffic Engineer




The City of Petaluma is hard at work for our community. Please check out our upcoming meetings and click on the links below for more information:

Mar 17, 6:30pm – City Council/PCDSA Regular Meeting

Mar 18, 5:00pm – Transit Advisory Committee Meeting

Mar 19, 3:30pm – Tree Advisory Committee Meeting

Mar 19, 6:00pm – Recreation, Music & Parks Commission Meeting

Mar 25, 6:00pm – Planning Commission Meeting

Mar 27, 6:00pm – Public Art Committee Meeting

April 2, 6:30pm – Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting

Check for upcoming meetings, agendas, and how to participate on the City’s meeting webpage:

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