Heavy rain is expected this weekend and into next week. Public works, Fire and Police staff are patrolling the city to respond to road closures, blocked storm drains, and storm-related issues. Please drive slowly if you see public safety personnel performing traffic control or clearing storm debris.
The City will set up sand and sandbags to the right of the entrance to Prince Park. This is a lighted site, is self-serve, and will be open throughout the event. Please bring your own shovel. If you have questions, concerns, or need sandbags, please call 707-778-4546.
As with all storms, we recommend motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists use caution when traveling on the roadways. Drivers should not pass road closure or flooding signs.
If drivers encounter standing water on the roadway they are advised to not attempt to drive through the water as many times the standing water is much deeper than it appears.
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