Flood Alert Info
Flooding in Petaluma
When heavy rains fall, City staff will update this page with tips on how to keep people, pets, and property safe.
Public works, fire, and police personnel will be on the alert and prepared to respond to road closures, blocked storm drains and storm-related debris falling on the streets and sidewalks if needed.
In the event of road closures, Nixle alerts are posted on the right column of this page.
Report Problems and Hazards
- Report roadway flooding, dangerous road conditions, obstructions, or fallen power lines to the Petaluma Police - 707-762-2727
- Report blocked storm drains or culverts to Public Works & Utilities - 707-778-4546
- To turn off gas or electricity call PG&E - 1-800-743-5000
City-provided Stations
In the event of floods, sand and sandbags may be available to the public at one or all of the following locations. Updates will be made to this page as necessary. When gathering sandbags, bring your own shovel and please be a good neighbor - take only what you need.
- Hopper Street, adjacent to the Hopper Street Railroad Crossing: See map here.
- Prince Park (2301 East Washington): Sandbag materials will be located at the park entrance to the right in the empty parking lot. See map here.
Sandbag Purchase Options
Many hardware/home improvement stores sell sandbags. Please call the store beforehand to confirm availability.
Helpful tip: The California Office of Emergency Services offers instructions and a short video at their website HERE (in English and Spanish) that shows how to best use sandbags to create a barrier around your property to prevent flood water damage.
Be Flood Ready...and Flood Smart!
- Clear Gutters and Storm Drains - Keep drainage areas and pipes around your property clear of debris that could cause flooding.
- Check on Your Neighbors, Friends, and Family - Especially those who may be vulnerable in case of emergency.
- Get Supplies - Make sure you have drinking water, flashlights, and other essentials on hand before the rain begins Wednesday morning.
- Turn Off Power and Gas - If your property is in imminent danger of flooding, please call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000 to request that your power and natural gas be shut off, or for guidance on how to do it yourself.
- Use Sandbags - Sandbags can help protect areas where water could enter your living space. Get free sandbag supplies from the City of Petaluma at the locations mentioned above. Learn how to use them at the CalOES page here.
- Avoid unnecessary travel
- Stay Clear of Downed Trees and Power Lines - Report hazardous conditions to the Police Department
- Use Caution When Driving
- DO NOT drive through flooded areas to avoid serious injury or death - most flooding deaths during a storm occur in a vehicle.
- Treat intersection as a 4 way stop if street lights are out
- Slow Down - speed limits are set for normal driving conditions and should be reduced during inclement weather.
- Protect public safety personnel by slowing down when you see public safety personnel performing traffic control or clearing storm debris.
- Don't Tailgate - leaving space between yourself and the car in front of you is always a good idea during a storm.
- Pay Attention to Signs - do not pass road closure or flooding signs. Water is often much deeper than it appears.
- Wipers On, Lights On - Reminder when using windshield wipers, drivers are required to have their headlights on per the California Vehicle Code.
Flood Watch
The City of Petaluma maintains remote automatic sensors to gauge stream and river levels throughout the year. This information is particularly important during the winter, when heavy rainfall causes flooding.
Click here to view Petaluma Stream/Rain Gauge Map
Click here to view National Weather Service Flood Information
Note: This data is being supplied for general information only. The below stream gauges reflect elevations, in feet above sea level, not the actual depth of the stream, at a given point in time. The City of Petaluma makes no warranty, expressed nor implied, regarding the accuracy or currency of the data provided.
The City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) was prepared to guide planning efforts to better protect people and property from the effects of hazardous events. Relating to local flooding, the potential hazards include dam incidents, flooding, sea level rise, and severe weather. Read the LHMP here.
Stay Informed
- Sign Up Emergency Alerts - For the most up-to-date emergency information from the City of Petaluma, sign up for Emergency Alerts.
- Visit:
- City of Petaluma - cityofpetaluma.org/sign-up-for-emergency-alerts
- Sonoma County - https://socoemergency.org/get-ready/sign-up/socoalert/
- Subscribe to receive Nixle alerts by texting your zip code to 888777
- Visit:
- Follow Us on Social Media
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cityofpetaluma/
- Spanish Language Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ciudaddepetaluma/
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecityofpetaluma/
- Spanish Language Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ciudaddepetaluma/
- Nextdoor - https://nextdoor.com/pages/city-of-petaluma
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/PetalumaCityGov
- WhatsApp - 707-285-7267
- Visit: bit.ly/CityPetalumaWhatsApp
- Choose Continue to Chat
- Send us a ‘Hello’ to connect with us.
- Tune-In to Local Radio Stations - Tune in to KZST 100.1, KSRO AM 1350, KCBS AM 740, KBBF 89.1 (Spanish), KRCB 104.9, local television stations or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio (frequencies 146.460 or 146.535) for Watch and Warning Bulletins and any corresponding emergency instructions.

Do some planning before winter storms hit, so that you can respond to potential flooding situations at home and at work.
Public Works Team