North McDowell Boulevard Improvement Project
Project Description
Have you noticed a smoother surface and safer walking/biking conditions on N. McDowell lately? We are pleased to report our North McDowell Improvement project is complete!
We have created the following on N. McDowell Blvd. from Sunrise Parkway to Old Redwood Highway:
- A safer, smoother roadway surface
- Improved traffic flow and safety
- Elements designed to reduce traffic speed
- Enhanced sidewalks, curbs, & pedestrian crossings
- Upgraded bike lanes
- Better access to transit
Though the City of Petaluma N. McDowell Improvement project is complete, SMART will be working in the area in the coming months as part of their Petaluma North Station construction, which will include construction of an extension to the existing mulit-use path to Penngrove.
This project was made possible, in part, by funding from Measure U - a voter-supported tax initiative. Thank you, Petaluma, for making these amazing improvements possible!
Due to ongoing construction along North McDowell, Petaluma Transit buses may experience schedule delays. In addition, bus stop accessibility may vary. All Petaluma Transit bus stops will be open and serviced unless otherwise noticed.
Be advised, buses may not be able to pull to the curb for boarding or deboarding. When waiting at a bus stop in the construction zone, passengers are advised to stand at the bus stop and raise your arm as the bus approaches. Use caution when walking to and from the bus.
If at any time you are passed by a bus or have accessibility issues, contact Petaluma Transit 707-778-4460.
We held a Virtual Community Meeting on Wednesday May 10 to:
- Share the status of the project and upcoming work
- Discuss potential traffic impacts
- Receive feedback and answer questions from the community
CLICK HERE to view a recording of the meeting.
Please see below for information on specific elements of the project.
Project Manager
Project Location
North McDowell Boulevard from Sunrise Parkway to Old Redwood Highway.
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
To be determined.
Project Status
Construction began in spring 2023 and is expected to be completed by fall of 2023.
Funding for this work is a combination of:
- Measure U funds, Street Maintenance fees
- Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation (RMRA) fees
- Water fees
- SB-1 funds with some utility fees that exist to compensate for damage done to streets due to placement and maintenance of sewer and water facilities.
The project will be rolled out in phases and funding will be secured for each phase.
BID Details
Bidding was completed in August 2022.

Please take a moment to share your contact information with us so that we may keep you directly updated throughout the project.
- Call: 707-778-4546
- Email: [email protected]
- Sign up via the form below
Stay tuned to our Community Update email and social media channels for project updates. Visit for more information.
Learn More
We are currently hard and work making N. McDowell the best it can be and welcome feedback from our community. Please sign up below if you would like to learn more and provide input.
Click photos below to enlarge.