D Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project

Project Description

On April 8, City Council adopted a resolution approving the D Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project, a temporary street redesign effort to slow traffic and create safer conditions for people walking, bicycling, and driving on this busy corridor. This pilot project is intended to gather community feedback and data that will help inform the design of the long-term D Street utility and road reconstruction project planned to begin in 2026.

The pilot project features the following enhancements on D Street from Petaluma Boulevard South to Windsor Drive:

  • Traffic calming and pedestrian enhancements, including speed reduction markings, bulb-outs, and median crosswalk islands
  • New crosswalks at Laurel Avenue and 10th Street
  • New and enhanced bike lanes along D Street between Petaluma Boulevard South and the city limits

To learn more, please review the recent Project Updates and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sections below.

Project Updates

October 2024 Project Update

The pilot project installation is complete. Data that the City is collecting during the pilot project includes: 

  • Reported Collisions: We will provide maps and tables of any reported collisions that occur during the pilot project, alongside collision summaries capturing those that have occurred in the years prior to the pilot project. Comparisons will be normalized by the duration of the pilot project (e.g., comparing six months of pilot data with a six-month average from pre-pilot conditions). Data source: Petaluma Police Department
  • Vehicle Speeds: We will provide maps and tables comparing vehicle speeds (including average and 85th percentile speeds) between pre-pilot and pilot conditions. Data will be collected for a 72-hour midweek period while school is in session and weather is not a factor. Source: IDAX Data Solutions (traffic data collection contractor)
  • Parking Utilization: We will provide a total of 16 parking counts, comprised of 8 counts collected on weekdays and 8 collected on weekends. Counts will be collected throughout the day while school is in session and weather is not a factor. Observations of illegal parking will be noted when counts are collected. Source: City staff
  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Volume: We will provide 8-hour bicycle and pedestrian counts at a single location on one weekday and one weekend day while school is in session and weather is not a factor. Source: IDAX Data Solutions (traffic data collection contractor)

We will collect data and feedback and will share our preliminary findings with City Council and the community in early 2025. We will seek direction from Council on how best to proceed with the permanent improvements based upon the input and findings.

We plan to award the construction contract for a large-scale D Street utility and paving project in mid-2026.

How can I share my thoughts about the pilot project?

Please share you input with our project team in one of the following ways:

  • Fill out the form on this webpage.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Call 707-778-4303 and explain you’d like to share feedback about the D Street Pilot Project.

Project Location

Petaluma Boulevard South to City Limits

Timeline/Project Status

  • October 18, 2022: Community Workshop #1
  • November 2, 2022: Presentation to the Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee
  • Winter - Spring 2023: Quick-Build Design
  • April 26, 2023: Community Workshop #2 (Review Proposed Quick-Build Design)
  • Summer 2024: Phase I Quick-Build Installation
  • 2025: Sewer and Water Main Replacement Projects (Petaluma Boulevard South to Sunnyslope Avenue/El Rose Drive)
  • 2026 (pending funding): Road Reconstruction Project (Petaluma Boulevard South to City Limits)


Funding for the Quick-Build project will come from Traffic Mitigation Impact Fees and Street Maintenance funds.

BID Details


D Street FAQ's

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