Water Services Replacement Project 21/22
Project Description
This project will upgrade the deteriorated water services and saddles at various locations on the east side of Petaluma to current standards to reduce maintenance costs and increase the reliability of water services.
The water services installed throughout the 1970's and early 1980's included polybutylene "blue-tube" piping from the main to the water meter. Polybutylene is a form of plastic resin pipe with fittings that scale and flake and become brittle, causing micro-fractures that result in pipe failure. Maintenance personnel are continuously replacing these old pipes as the service and saddles fail.
Project Manager
Project Location
The Water Services Replacement Project 21/22 C67502121 is located at various locations on the east side of Petaluma including Garfield Dr, Maria Dr, Rainier Ave, Aaron Ct, Parkland Way, Mari Ln, Willow Dr, and Lynch Creek Way.
Traffic Impacts & Benefit
During construction traffic control measures will be in place to manage traffic flow in the area as well as protect the work areas. Parking along the streets may be impacted to ensure traffic flow through the area is maintained. Access to driveways and properties will be preserved at all times throughout the project. The City will make every effort possible to minimize traffic impacts to businesses/residents; however, please plan for some delays in the area and travel carefully through the work zone.
Timeline/Project Status
After material availability and weather delays, the project is resuming construction starting with Maria Drive. Please find the anticipated construction schedule below:
Maria Drive (3/18/24 to 5/10/24)
Parkland Way (5/13/24 to 5/17/24)
Willow Drive (5/20/24 to 5/24/24)
Aaron Court (5/27/24 to 5/31/24)
Mari Lane (6/3/24 to 6/10/24)
Lynch Creek Way (6/10/24 to 6/24/24)
(Updated 5/3/2024)
The project is funded through Water Capital.
Bid Details
The project was awarded to Coastside Concrete & Construction, Inc. Click here to view the bid results.