Petaluma Blvd South Road Diet

Project Description

This is a federally-funded project between E Street and Crystal Lane. The project will reduce the existing four lanes to one through-lane in either direction and a center two-way left turn lane.

The project includes new curb ramp, curb extensions, rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB’s), signal improvements and repaving. The project will include a Class IV bike lane between Crystal Lane and Mountain View; a Class II bike lane between Mountain View and H Street; and a Class III bike lane between H Street and E Street.

Traffic Impacts & Benefits

The traffic impact schedule will be posted as the project nears its start date.

Project Status

Project is currently in the design phase. Construction is anticipated to begin in fall of 2021.

BID Details

The project is currently being designed in-house. Information about bid needs and requirements will be posted as it becomes available.

photo for development engineering
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