Slow Streets Petaluma
What is a Slow Street?
The City has introduced "Slow Streets" during the pandemic as a way to reduce traffic and encourage safe driving on certain residential and commercial streets to allow recommended social distancing. Barriers placed at both ends of the street discourage drivers from using the street unless they need to reach a destination. When drivers do need to use the street to reach their destination, we encourage them to drive slowly and safely as people are more likely to be walking and biking along the street. Read the Staff Report to the City Council given July 20, 2020 with this Presentation.
Why Slow Streets?
The Slow Street designation will allow people to more comfortably use these low-traffic streets for physically distant walking, wheelchair rolling, jogging, and biking in designated areas. And the reduced traffic and increased awareness will improve safety and reduce accidents while people spread out to exercise outside.
When and Where Will Slow Streets Start?
The Pilot Program started Thursday, May 14, 2020 with two areas (see the map to the right). Several other streets were added in October, 2020. The City is currently considering the short- and long-term benefits and impacts to the City of this program.
How does it work?
We will place traffic cones and soft closure barriers at the entrance of each street with signs that say, “Closed to Through Traffic.” We are starting with two areas so that we can get community feedback before we proceed to designate more Slow Streets. Please tell us what you like and what you don’t like about the program in the form below.
What about Emergency or Transit Vehicles?
This program will NOT limit emergency vehicle access and does not fully close the road to through traffic. Transit vehicles, emergency vehicles and passenger vehicles accessing a destination will be allowed to drive on the designated streets.
In the case of a Slow Street on a commercial street, business owners and delivery trucks would be allowed access both to the street and to the parking on the street.
Slow Street Rules:
- Do avoid driving on these streets unless necessary to reach your destination.
- DO follow all physical distancing rules (link to the county FAQ’s) while on Slow Streets
- DO enjoy Slow Streets in your neighborhood.
- DO NOT use Slow Streets for playing in the roadway.
- DO NOT travel outside of your neighborhood to use a Slow Street.
If successful, we plan to expand the program. If you would like a designated Slow Street in your neighborhood, please fill out the form below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] or phone at 707-776-3672.
Slow Streets Feedback Form:
End Traffic Fatalities in Sonoma County
Vision Zero is a countywide initiative, led by a partnership between the Sonoma County Department of Health Services and the Sonoma County Transportation Authority, which pledges to reduce all traffic related deaths to zero. Staff have created a community survey (below links) to respond to and share widely among your networks. We will be doing a continuous evaluation to ensure we are getting responses from a broad cross-section of the community. We thank you for your participation.
Encuesta de Visión Cero (Español)
Phase 1 and 2 Slow Streets