Parks & Public Spaces

Our Parks crew has a lot of different responsibilities. We'd call it a laundry list, but laundry is about the only thing we don't do. Learn about the team below or read the long version here.

Parks Maintenance

We make sure the grounds and equipment at the City's 40+ parks are clean and safe to use. That covers everything from scrubbing toilets and mowing grass to fixing broken swings and running the mechanical systems at our City pools. We also take care of City-owned buildings.

Landscape Assessment District

A Landscape Assessment Districts (or LADs) is land that is privately-owned but maintained by the City. The owners pay a fee (or assessment) for the City to oversee landscaping design and maintenance on the property.

Trees & Sidewalk Maintenance

We maintain bike paths, trails, medians and other City-owned land (like the area around the Petaluma Airport) and buildings (such as City Hall). Homeowners and businesses are responsible for maintaining the landscaping and sidewalks on and adjacent to their property.

Report a Problem

Please let us know if something needs attention or is unsafe. Call us at 707-778-4303, send an email, or use our online tool. We're on it!

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