First & F Street Pipe Replacement
Project Description
The City of Petaluma is committed to providing clean, safe water and sewer services to our community. As part of our work to provide the most reliable service possible, we will be replacing and upgrading water and sewer piping in your area.
We will replace existing water and sewer pipes on and around First Street with new, heavy duty plastic pipes. This new plastic material provides increased reliability and ensures the lines hold strong for years to come. We will take special care to preserve the historic railroad tracks that run along First Street.
Project Manager
Mary White
Phone: 707-368-4557
Email: [email protected]
Project Location
First Street between F and H Streets, as well as G and H Streets between First and Second Street.
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
We will make every effort possible to minimize traffic impacts; however, please plan for some delays in the area and travel carefully through the work zone.
Some buildings may experience a temporary water shut off. If your water service is scheduled to be impacted, you will be notified via a “doorhanger” flyer 24 hours prior to the shut off. Your water will not be shut off for longer than 6 hours.
Timeline/Project Status
Construction began on July 1, 2024. The sewer mains and sewer laterals have all been installed. The Contractor has finished installing the new water main and water services. The final connections to the existing water mains are scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2024 from 7 am to 11 am. During this time, the water will be shut off temporarily. Shortly after, the Contractor will finish the remainder of the paving. Project completion is expected to be within the week of September 9, 2024.
Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds
Bid Details