Property owners are responsible for damaged sidewalk areas adjacent to their homes or businesses. When the City performs repairs and the cost is more than an owner can afford to pay in a single payment, the City provides financing to property owners at a low interest rate.
This project is to provide for the striping improvements on primarily arterial and collector roadways to allow safer pedestrian and bicycle travel. The use of bulb-outs, lane narrowing, and pedestrian refuge islands would be implemented.
The tertiary system exceeds its capacity during high demand periods. This project expands the capacity of the system used to treat wastewater effluent to produce up to 6.8 MGD of tertiary recycled water. To provide additional recycled water treatment capacity, the City will add pumping capacity, two cloth media filters and add a third ultraviolet … Continued
This project will upgrade chemical, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation equipment, and will also fix structural, mechanical and electrical deficiencies.
Surface water treatment for mitigation requirements related to the widening of US-101. The City has partnered with Caltrans to locate facilities to achieve the mutual goal of treating runoff from roadways to offset the additional pavement created by the widening project.