Public Comment and Participation

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Planning Division staff review land use and land development proposals, ensuring that proposed projects comply with Petaluma’s long term vision and regulatory standards. We also make sure that all proposed development respects the City’s historic and cultural heritage, and/or contributes the City’s growing collection of public artwork. And we provide environmental review under the standards of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

We encourage public participation in the review process by providing information and opportunity for comment on proposed projects prior to and during review by a Review Authority. Below are some ways that you can participate in the Planning review process.

Ensuring Access to Project Information and Meetings

Efforts will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in a public meeting, please contact the Planning Division at (707) 778-4480 (voice) or (707) 778-4480 (TDD). Translation of publicly available documents may be arranged. If access to a virtual or in-person public meeting or public hearing is needed, translators, including American Sign Language interpreters, may be requested. A minimum of 48 hours is needed to ensure the availability of translation services. For in-person public meetings or public hearings (when offered):

  • Assistive listening devices for individuals with hearing disabilities will be available upon request.
  • In consideration of those with multiple chemical sensitivities or other environmental illness, it is requested that you refrain from wearing scented products.

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The decision may be appealed by the applicant or by any other interested party within fourteen (14) calendar days following the date action is taken on a project by the Review Authority. If no appeal is made within that time, the decision shall be final. An appeal shall be addressed to the City in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk. The appeal shall state specifically the grounds for the appeal and the relief sought by the appellant. Said appeal shall be accompanied by the appeal fee as specified by Resolution 2010-206 N.C.S. as adopted by the City Council. Appeals of Administrative decisions made by the Community Development Director are made to the Planning Commission, and appeals of all other review authorities are made to the City Council.

You can share comments with the Project Planner during the Planning review process, with the Review Authority and/or Project Planner when the project is published for scheduled review by the Review Authority and/or during a scheduled public meeting or public hearing if one is required.


Application Submittal > Planning Review > 10-Day Public Notice > Public Review > 14-Day Appeal Period > Project Approval > Appeal of Decision

  • During Planning Review: To provide comment online, find the project on our Planning Projects page and click on the project to access additional information, including a comment form. If you prefer email, Project Planner contact information is also available for each project.
  • During Public Notice and Review: Send a comment to a Review Authority member listed in the sidebar or email your comment to the Project Planner associated with a specific project (put the name of the project in the subject of the email). To participate in a Public Meeting or Hearing, you can find the meeting link at
  • Appeal of Decision: A decision may be appealed within 14 calendar days following the date action is taken on a project. Appeals must be addressed to the City in writing and filed with the City Clerk (office hours are listed in the side bar). Include the grounds for the appeal the relief sought.

Meeting agendas are typically posted 7 days in advance of the meeting. Members of the public may address the Review Authority during the teleconference meeting. For more information about how to participate in a virtual meeting, visit

photo from the community workshop
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