Preliminary Application Project Submittals
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Listed below are project applications that have been received by the City of Petaluma for preliminary review. To learn more about current Major Development Projects or our Administrative Review Projects, click here.
SB 330 Processing Information
For eligible projects, SB 330 Preliminary Application is a pre-application streamlining opportunity that may be pursued before submitting any required discretionary General Application(s) to Planning for public review. It does not replace Petaluma's required discretionary entitlements, which include Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR). In fact, any required discretionary General Application(s) must be submitted within 180 days of becoming eligible for SB-330 Preliminary Application process in order for SB 330 to apply. More information on the SB-330 processing timeline can be found here.
SB 330 provides eligible projects with several key benefits:
- Streamlines public review process - Public review of a project's required General Application(s) is maintained; however, the number of public hearings (or meetings) is limited to five, including any appeal public hearing.
- Constrains Planning review timeframe - Planning review is still conducted by City staff; however, the amount of time allowed for staff to review a project is limited by SB 330.
- Establishes opportunity to vest current regulations - SB 330 eligible projects are guaranteed to be processed under applicable regulations in place at the time when eligibility is determined. This guarantee is referred to as "vesting of rights."
APN 136-100-025 and 007-391-005
In November 2022, the City of Petaluma received an incomplete preliminary development application for redevelopment of 49 acres west side of the 101 Freeway across from and adjacent to the recently-constructed 101 overpass, and generally aligned with the intersection of Rainier Avenue and North McDowell Boulevard. City staff have concluded (see link below to staff letter to applicant) that the application does not qualify as a preliminary application pursuant to the Housing Accountability Act, and have encouraged the applicant to schedule a preliminary project discussion with City planning staff to discuss the Project and the City's applicable regulations. For additional information on SB-330, please review the City’s FAQ on the state law.
Staff Letter to Applicant:
Staff has received two applications for the two parcels on February 15, 2023 and February 28, 2023, both as SB 330 pre-applications.
City Response to Second Johnson Preliminary Application:
The Pacific Companies Affordable Housing Project
Project Name: The Pacific Companies Affordable Housing Project
Application Type: SB 330 Preliminary Application
Address: 2 Rovina Lane
APN: 019-210-009
City Record Number(s): PLPR-2023-0003
Submittal Date: July 10, 2023
Applicant Name: Caleb Roope, on behalf of Pacific West Communities, Inc.
Project Contact: Lauren Alexander, on behalf of The Pacific Companies, [email protected]
Project Description: The project would propose a 34-unit, 100% affordable housing project consisting of two three-story buildings. The project would propose 65 parking spaces through a combination of tuck-under parking below each building and a surface parking area at the rear of the site. Access would be proposed via a two-way driveway from Rovina Lane near Jacquelyn Lane and an internal drive aisle between the buildings. Additional site improvements would include landscaping, a trash enclosure, outdoor amenities, and a trash/fire truck hammerhead.
For more information:
- SB 330 Preliminary Application Submittal
- The Pacific Companies Affordable Housing Project - Conceptual 3D Design
- The Pacific Companies Affordable Housing Project - Conceptual Building Elevations
- The Pacific Companies Affordable Housing Project - Site Plan Option D
- July 19, 2023 Neighborhood Meeting Presentation
- Project Planner: Mike Janusek, AICP at [email protected]
For More Information:
In-person: City Hall Planning counter at 11 English Street, Monday through Thursday between 10AM and 2PM.