Planning Projects

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Planning Division staff review discretionary land use and land development applications, ensuring that proposed projects comply with Petaluma’s long-term vision and regulatory standards. We also make sure that all proposed development respects the City’s historic and cultural heritage, and/or contributes to the City’s growing collection of public artwork. And we provide environmental review under the standards of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Planning discretionary entitlements can be categorized by level of review as either Planning Administrative Projects or Major Developments.

Current Projects

The following information includes all administrative projects and proposed major developments within the City of Petaluma. The projects are listed by project type and current status, linked to individual project pages with additional information, and indicated on the map at the bottom of the page. A printable version of the major development projects list and map is also available here.

Construction with Machine

Major Developments

Approved Projects

The project has received all planning approvals; final plans approved; building and other permits have been issued; and may be under construction. Once construction is completed, all related permits with Building and Planning are closed out.

Under Construction
Recently Completed Projects


To learn more about projects already completed, CLICK HERE to view our project archive.

Map of Projects

map pins graphic
Commercial     Residential     Mixed Use

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