Archives: FAQs

Referring to the CEQA document for the project, the groundwater pumping estimates were conservative in that they model a well that pumps year round even though the City only plans to use the well for emergency backup supply. If the drought continues, does the City foresee needing to pump groundwater from that well year-round?

It is possible that restrictions from Sonoma Water, the City’s main water supply source, will cause the City to need to use more local supply throughout the year. The CEQA document limits the amount of water able to be produced from the well at a little over 200 AFY.

Is the groundwater pump silent once operational?

The pump is a submersible type of pump and will be located hundreds of feet below the ground. The well will be virtually silent. The minimal sound being generated will most likely come from the electrical equipment in the well house.

What is the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

The City of Petaluma has a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program as a condition of receiving funds from the US Department of Transportation. This program sets forth policies and procedures aimed at removing barriers for and preventing discrimination of women- and minority-owned businesses bidding on DOT-funded projects within the City of Petaluma. Learn more about the … Continued

What qualifies as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

In general, to be eligible for the DBE program, persons must own 51% or more of a “small business,” establish that they are socially and economically disadvantaged within the meaning of Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, and prove they control their business. Groups presumed to be disadvantaged include: Women Black Americans Hispanic Americans Native Americans … Continued

Why aren’t we testing the water before we drill the well?

The only way to test the water would be to drill a well. We will test the water as the well is drilled. However, to inform our project, we did review the water quality of a well located near this site. That water quality review indicates that there is a low likelihood that we will … Continued

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