Archives: FAQs

What is an Initial Study and a Mitigated Negative Declaration?

An Initial Study is a preliminary analysis prepared by the lead agency to determine whether the project may cause a significant environmental impact and weather an environmental impact report (EIR) or negative declaration (ND) must be prepared. An Initial Study facilitates environmental review early in the design of a project, enables mitigating adverse impacts, and … Continued

What is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)?

CEQA requires public agencies to “look before they leap” and consider the environmental consequences of their discretionary actions. CEQA is intended to inform government decisionmakers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities, to identify ways environmental effects can be avoided or reduced, and to disclose an agency’s decision-making process and to … Continued

How can the neighbors learn about any possible environmental impacts of this project?

Anyone can review the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration to learn more about the project and how it was determined to not have significant environmental impacts through mitigation measures. The CEQA document is available for public review online at The public is also invited to a community meeting that will be held at … Continued

How were the neighbors notified about this project?

Because this project did not have significant impacts, direct notices were not sent to neighbors. Instead, the typical public noticing requirements CEQA guidelines was completed as noted in the FAQ that discusses noticing requirements.

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