Archives: FAQs

Do I need to pay development impact fees?

All ADUs less than 750 square feet, are exempt from development impact fees. All other ADUs must pay a fee, which as required by the new state legislation, must be based on the unit’s size relationship to its primary residence. More information about development impact fees is available on the City’s Planning Applications and Handouts … Continued

Does my accessory dwelling unit need a separate address?

All ADUs require a separate address, whereas JADUs are not required to obtain a separate address. New addresses are created via an Address Assignment from the Planning Division. Address Assignments applications are accepted online here, and must be completed prior to building permit issuance. JADU applicants must file an Address Assignment application if a separate address … Continued

How do I obtain a permit for an accessory dwelling unit?

The City of Petaluma has recently transitioned to an all-digital Online Permit Hub. You will need to register for an account and upload all application materials to this online portal. To apply online, please visit the following link to the City’s Online Permit Hub:

What makes a JADU different from a traditional ADU?

A Junior ADU or JADU is unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within the walls of a single-family residence and may be constructed within an attached garage. A JADU is required to have an efficiency kitchen which complies with any applicable requirements of the Building Code, and includes a cooking … Continued


A partir del 18 de enero de 2022, se prohíbe el uso de agua potable para lavar aceras, entradas de vehículos, edificios, estructuras, patios u otras áreas de superficie dura, excepto cuando se trate de saneamiento.


El programa de agua reciclada de Petaluma no ofrece actualmente servicio a clientes residenciales. El agua reciclada que creamos está totalmente contratada a largo plazo por clientes existentes que brindan un servicio crítico a la ciudad durante las épocas de lluvia. Para implementar un programa residencial, primero tendríamos que ajustar nuestro programa, obtener las aprobaciones … Continued

Does the project enable the planting of street trees?

Yes, street trees could be planted in the future, possibly even in some of the wider buffer areas. City staff is exploring options for tree planting and greening along this segment of Rainier and will bring recommendations for a future project to implement tree planting and greening of the corridor.

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