Archives: FAQs

Can I rent my SB 9 unit as a short-term rental?

No, state law prohibits SB 9 units to be used as short-term rentals. Short-term rentals are rentals for overnight lodging of less than 30 days. Long-term rentals (30 days or greater) are not regulated by SB 9.

My zoning is PUD, does SB 9 apply?

Perhaps but only if the PUD exclusively allows single-family residence and no CC&R restrictions are in place. Check with a Planner if unsure.

How do I access the Eye on Water online portal?

First: Sign up online. Visit and follow these steps: Enter your service area zip code Enter your full account number (this can be found on your water bill) Click next Enter your email address Create and confirm a password (no special requirements) You will receive a confirmation email from BEACON. You must verify your … Continued

Lakeville Square Tentative Parcel Map

Project Name: Lakeville Square Tentative Parcel Map Address: 2600 Lakeville Hwy [Map It] APN: 005–040–069 City Record Number(s): PLPM-2023-0001 Applicant Name: Project engineer Steven Lafranchi, on behalf of property owner Zachary Chan Date of Decision: On or after Monday March 21, 2023 Project Description: Proposed Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the 2.56-acre property at 2600 … Continued

Is my account information private?

Yes. The only data transmitted are your radio number, dial number, and your meter reading. Personal customer information is not transmitted.

What kind of signal does AMI use?

The radio devices, which are attached to the meters, transfer the service data via wireless signal. The energy exposure from an automated meter’s radio signal or radio frequency (RF) is significantly less than common household devices, including cell phones, laptops, microwaves, baby monitors and internet routers. It is also important to understand that automated meters … Continued

Will AMI interfere with wireless devices in my home?

No, AMI will not interfere with any wireless devices in your home. The wireless portions of the system are operated according to Federal Communications Commission rules, and will not interfere with other radio frequencies in the area.

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