Archives: FAQs

How do I get rid of the dirty water that’s generated as part of  a construction or remediation project? Can I send it down the storm drain or hose it into the street

Water from a construction or remediation project should never be sent down a storm drain or flushed into the street or gutter. Doing so pollutes our waterways, kills plants and animals, and sets you up for a hefty fine. Instead, you’ll need to capture the water and discharge it properly into the into the City’s … Continued

How do I report illegal dumping down a storm drain?

Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household … Continued

What animals can be kept as pets?

Rules about which animals and pets can be found in Title 9, Section 9.08, of the City’s municipal code. Please contact North Bay Animal Services, the City’s animal control provider, if you have questions or concerns about animals with the City limits.

Do I need a business license and how do I get one?

Every business that is located in or doing business within the City limits is required to obtain a business certificate (often referred to as a business license) from the City and pay appropriate business tax. The application review process takes about six weeks and requires a Safety Inspection (see checklist). See the Business Certificate Fees … Continued

How do I start a cannabis business?

The City of Petaluma regulates the types of cannabis businesses and requires an annual permit and review by the Community Development Department. Learn more and download the permit application at

What is the street sweeping schedule?

The City of Petaluma partners with Recology for street sweeping, recycling, organics, and solid waste services. You can learn more about the street sweeping schedule at their website HERE or by calling (800) 243-0291. To learn more about the partnership between Petaluma and Recology, visit our Garbage & Recycling page.

How do I report a street-related problem?

Contact the Public Works & Utilities Department for street-related problems (see the list below). Call (707) 778-4303, send email to [email protected] or submit a service report to or through our citizen request site. Street-related problems include: Broken/burned out streetlight Broken traffic signal or crosswalk, Pothole Overgrown vegetation.

How does the City decide which streets to re-pave?

The City’s approach is to maintain and repair roads rather than re-pave them altogether. We prioritize to prevent streets in good to fair condition to poor or failed condition. This allows the City to make the best use of our paving funds. To report a street in failed condition or to report a pot-hole, contact … Continued

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