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Petaluma businesses, residents and the City of Petaluma all value and strive for sustainability, in environmental and financial areas.

Standards for Evaluating Historic Resources The Secretary of the Interior has established professional qualification standards for the preparation of Historic Surveys and Evaluations used to determine eligibility for State or National historic designation. Petaluma relies on these standards for the preparation of reports that inform the decision making process. The qualifications, summarized below, define minimum...

Applications to alter designated historic resources (excluding demolition) are reviewed in accordance with Implementing Zoning Ordinance Section 15.050 and 15.070. Review under those sections includes an evaluation of conformance with district guidelines (when applicable) and the Secretory of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The review of all proposed alterations begins with gaining an...

Historic landmarks in the City of Petaluma are designated by the Petaluma City Council with input from the Historic and Cultural Resource Committee and Planning Commission.

Petaluma Historic Commercial District The Petaluma Historic Commercial District encompasses much of Downtown Petaluma and includes 96 contributing buildings on approximately 23 acres of land. The district was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1995, and design guidelines were adopted in 1999 through Ordinance No. 2097 N.C.S. The district represents the development...

View a list of Commercial Building documents.

Read about commercial building permits required in the City of Petaluma. Scope projects with an online tool, download handouts, and get help.

Learn the pros and cons of being an owner builder for your home renovation or building project.

Get residential building tips that will help you navigate the permitting process in the City of Petaluma. We are here to help!

Residential permits are needed when building or renovating a home (aka, residence). This page offers tips, handouts, and other info for navigating the process.

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