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Contact the Public Works & Utilities Department at (707) 778-4303, email [email protected] or submit a report online or via the EngagePetaluma mobile app (download engagEPetaluma in Apple Store or Google).

The City of Petaluma partners with Recology for street sweeping, recycling, organics, and solid waste services. You can learn more about the street sweeping schedule at their website HERE or by calling (800) 243-0291. To learn more about the partnership between Petaluma and Recology, visit our Garbage & Recycling page.

Contact the Public Works & Utilities Department for street-related problems (see the list below). Call (707) 778-4303, send email to [email protected] or submit a service report to or through our citizen request site. Street-related problems include: Broken/burned out streetlight Broken traffic signal or crosswalk, Pothole Overgrown vegetation.

The City's approach is to maintain and repair roads rather than re-pave them altogether. We prioritize to prevent streets in good to fair condition to poor or failed condition. This allows the City to make the best use of our paving funds. To report a street in failed condition or to report a pot-hole, contact...

Street maintenance and improvement monies come into the City from a number of sources, each restricted for specific uses. Federal funds – allowed only for specific types of work on specific streets; Redevelopment funds – for reconstruction only on streets within the redevelopment are (PCDC) when determined by City Council to assist in removing blight;...

The owner of the property fronting the tree is responsible for maintenance of trees in the planter strip between the sidewalk and the street. All vegetation in the public right of way must be property maintained by the property owner to allow safe and unobstructed passages of pedestrians and traffic. Vegetation clearance should be 8-foot...

To report a damaged and/or hazardous sidewalk, call Public Works at (707) 778-4303; send email to [email protected]; or submit a report through our Citizen Request app, EngagEPetaluma.

The owner of the property fronting the sidewalk is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk, curb, gutter and planting strip in a non-hazardous condition. Although the City of Petaluma has an easement to allow safe pedestrian access, it is not responsible for maintenance and repair. Property owners are potentially liable for personal injuries caused by their...

Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household...

Storm drain systems help prevent flooding by diverting rainwater off the streets and other paved surfaces and into a natural body of water, such as a stream or ocean.   Storm drains are meant for rainwater only. Unlike the City sewer system, the storm drain system does not include a treatment or cleaning component. Consequently,...

Operator-led tours of the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility are available Monday through Friday, by appointment. Call (707) 776-3777 to schedule. You can take a self-guided tour of the facility’s outdoor features, such as the reclamation ponds, along the four miles of walking trails adjacent to the facility.   

Contact North Bay Animal Services at 707-762-6227 to File a Lost Animal Report. 

Call North Bay Animal Services at 707-762-6227. If their office is closed, a message on their answering machine will direct you to next steps.

Call North Bay Animal Services at 707-762-6227. If the office is not open, listen to message on their answering machine for after-hours direction. 

North Bay Animal Services handles licensing for the City of Petaluma. Go to the Petaluma dog license page on their website for more info.  

The City contracts with North Bay Animal Services to run an animal shelter at 840 Hopper Street. Go to the North Bay Animal Services website for info about hours of operation, directions, and other info.

For the health and safety of people and the planet,  medications/medicines should not be flushed down the toilet, poured down the sink, or thrown away in the trash. This is true for pills and liquids, whether prescribed or over-the-counter. Sonoma County has a Safe Medicine Disposal program featuring free drop off or mail back options....

Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household...

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