Business License Fees
(Fees Per Resolution 93-60)
Zoning Clearance - $31.61
Home Occupation Permit - $257 + 9% administrative fee = $280.13
Short Term Vacation Rental - $459 + 9% adminstrative fee = $500.31
First Year Tax - $49.00 + $4 State Fee = $53
Renewal Tax
- Retailers, Wholesale / Suppliers, Utilities Miscellaneous businesses
- .016% of total Gross Receipts ($0.16 per $1,000) OR $45.00 whichever is highest
- Administrative Headquarters and Manufacturers
- .016% of total Gross Receipts OR Cost of Operations, whichever is Greater ($0.16 per $1,000) OR $45.00 whichever is highest
- Contractors, Recreation and Entertainment, Service Businesses, Rental of Property
- .032% of total Gross Receipts ($0.32 per $1,000) OR $45.00 whichever is highest
- Professionals
- .048% of total Gross Receipts ($0.48 per $1,000) OR $45.00 whichever is highest
Temporary and Mobile Businesses
- Transient Sales / Solicitors / Peddlers / Mobile businesses - $69.00 per 20 days
- Production Film making - $254.00 per day
- Seasonal Sales - $129 per event
- Special Events - $229 per day
- Transportation of persons and goods - $54 Per vehicle
Other Notes
- Business Tax charges include a $4.00 State of California fee to increase disability access and compliance with construction-related accessibility requirements and to develop educational resources for businesses in order to facilitate compliance with federal and state disability laws.
- Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with buildings open to the public. You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability access laws at the following agencies.
- California General Services, The Division of the State Architect:
- The Department of Rehabilitation at,
- The California Commission on Disability Access:

The business taxes we collect help provide essential city services such as public safety and roads.
by Corey Garberolio