Hello Petaluma!
It’s beginning to feel like spring is on the way – and we can’t believe March begins tomorrow! And, we have a lot to look forward to in addition to sparkling spring weather. New spaces to learn, inspiring artwork to spruce up shared spaces, important upgrades to infrastructure, ways to manage water usage, and opportunities to share important information with vulnerable populations. Read on to learn more about what’s happening in our community in the coming weeks!
Also, if you love all things Petaluma and want to stay in the loop, our One Petaluma podcast is a great resource. Hit play as you walk, run errands, or exercise. Listen and subscribe at any fine podcast purveyor, or in the embedded HERE (scroll to the bottom of the page).
Have a wonderful weekend!
Land Use Policy Framework to be Presented at 3/3 City Council Meeting
This Monday, join us for the next City Council meeting, with an early start time of 5pm!
Monday’s meeting will feature a presentation on the draft Land Use Policy Framework, which will be an important part of our upcoming General Plan Update. The land use framework defines how and where the city will evolve over the next 20 years including where we live, work, shop and play. It includes strategies that:
- Expand open space and access to the Petaluma River
- Reimagining a land use pattern that prioritizes active transportation – people walking, biking and using public transportation
- Support new and innovative housing types within city limits and near transit hubs
- Enhance existing neighborhoods by increasing access to daily needs
- Revitalize commercial corridors
- Accommodate Petaluma’s growing and ever-changing needs for high quality housing that is affordable, a thriving local economy, and places for community gathering
- Preserve Petaluma’s historic, agricultural, river-oriented identity
We invite you to attend Monday’s meeting to learn more and share your comments . The meeting starts at 5:00PM in person at City Hall (11 English Street), and can also be viewed via Zoom by clicking the link below: https://cityofpetaluma-org.zoom.us/j/84808536121
You can read more about the Land Use Policy Framework and other aspects of our General Plan Update at planpetaluma.org. In addition, click HERE to view the 10-page, Recommended Land Use Map Changes: Briefing Book, for an overview on what is being presented to council for consideration.
Remember, in order to provide a public comment, you must either appear in person at City Hall to speak, or email your comment to city [email protected]. We hope to see you there!
Overnight Work to Begin in Payran Madison Area
Heads Up, Petaluma! We have been hard at work replacing and upgrading portions of underground water and sewer pipe in the Payran Madison area to ensure all lines remain in safe working condition. Thank you for your patience as we’ve carried out this important work.
In order to keep our schedule moving and minimize disturbances to traffic, our contractor, Coastside Concrete & Construction, has tentatively scheduled overnight work to take place between 7pm and 5am the nights of Monday March 3 through Friday March 13.
The majority of the night work will take place at the intersection of Madison and Lakeville Streets. During construction, Lakeville will be closed to through traffic from Petaluma Blvd. North to East Washington. A detour will be available via Wilson Street and access to properties and driveways will be maintained throughout the project.
After this night work, Coastside will continue daytime construction in the area. We anticipate the project to be completed by late spring. While every effort is being made to minimize impacts to traffic, delays should be expected. If possible, we recommend taking an alternate route when traveling in the area until the project has been completed.
Please visit cityofpetaluma.org/payranmadison to learn more and sign up to receive project updates.
New Outdoor Educational Space Coming to Shollenberger
Exciting news, Petaluma – we’re bringing an outdoor educational space to Shollenberger Park! It will be a beautiful area for environmental education, small community gatherings, and connecting with nature.
This project includes an “amphitheater” style design with three rows of park benches for audiences and dedicated platform (small concrete pad) for presenters. It has been designed to blend seamlessly into the park’s landscape. The space will be located in the area near the existing picnic tables which, until now, schools and groups have been using for presentations about the diverse ecology of Shollenberger. The picnic tables will remain for those who wish to use them. We will also be installing accessibility improvements to the gravel pathway in the area and a new informational sign to enhance your park experience.
We’re taking extra care to protect local wildlife as we bring the amphitheater to life. A biologist is monitoring nesting birds, setting up buffers, and keeping a close eye on construction to minimize impacts.
Stay in the loop and get project updates at cityofpetaluma.org/shollenberger.
Upcoming Safety Upgrades at Western Ave. & Fair St.
We have received concerns from the community regarding pedestrian and traffic safety at the intersection of Western Avenue and Fair Street. Our team investigated and has determined safety upgrades are required. In the coming weeks, we will be implementing a variety of Safe Routes to School improvements including:
- Painting red curbs and adjusting painted traffic lines at the intersection
- Upgrading the crosswalk
These improvements are designed to increase pedestrian safety and visibility, as well as encourage slower driving speeds. While every effort is being made to retain as many parking spaces as possible, the work will result in removal of some spaces that border traffic intersections.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to complete this important project.
Visit cityofpetaluma.org/westerncrosswalk to learn more about the project.
Local Color on Lynch Creek Trail
Petaluma artist, Jonny Hirschmugl has begun production of three murals along the Lynch Creek Trail. Two of the murals will be on either side of the path below Payran Street and a third will be located on the trail ramp a little further East on the trail.
The murals will feature birds and nature scenes along the heavily trafficked cross-town connector. Focusing on areas prone to vandalism, we will enhance the site as part of the City of Petaluma’s Lynch Creek Trail Improvements. Youth volunteers will be assisting Jonny with painting in return for service hours.
Here’s to CREATIVE problem solving with community support!
FREE Emergency Prep Workshop for Seniors – March 5 & 19
Emergency Prep Help (EPH), in collaboration with the City of Petaluma, is hosting a free emergency preparedness workshop series for seniors at the Petaluma Community Center. EPH equips seniors with critical skills, basic supplies, helpful resources, and practical strategies to prepare themselves and their pets for and to respond effectively in emergencies. Workshops tailor disaster preparedness education specifically for older adults.
Each participant receives a free emergency go-bag with essential supplies and learns how to use them effectively. EPH guides participants to develop personalized emergency plans and take practical steps, such as identifying their evacuation zones, mapping out evacuation routes, registering for emergency alerts, customizing their go-bags, storing essential supplies at home, and incorporating their pets into their plans. Other topics include earthquakes, heatwaves, extended power outages, floods, and radio communication.
This is a 2-part workshop. Please plan to attend both sessions:
WHEN: Wednesday March 5 and March 19, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
WHERE: Petaluma Community Center, 320 N. McDowell Blvd.
Advance registration is required. Please CLICK HERE to hold your spot or leave a message at 707-241-3280.
Track Your Water Usage & Get Leak Alerts with EyeOnWater Online
We’re making great progress upgrading our community’s water meters to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), bringing real-time water usage tracking and leak alerts right to your fingertips using the new EyeOnWater online portal! So far, over 60% of Petaluma’s water customers have received this upgraded meter technology, with full, citywide installation expected by July 2025.
With AMI you can:
- Monitor your water use in real time with the EyeOnWater portal.
- Receive leak alerts to help conserve water & save money.
- Experience faster customer service resolutions.
If your meter has been upgraded, you should have received a door hanger with instructions to set up your free EyeOnWater account. Haven’t received one yet? Upgrades are still in progress! Once your upgrade is complete, you can access the website, but please note it may take up to 30 days for your account to display water usage data.
Sign up & start tracking today: eyeonwater.com/login
Learn more: cityofpetaluma.org/AMI
Join a Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Systems Walking Tour Saturday March 15
Did you know the City of Petaluma offers a rebate program for qualified customers to install a Laundry-to-Landscape (L2L) greywater system?
A L2L system diverts rinse water from your clothes washer directly to your landscape! CLICK HERE to learn more.
Want to see an L2L setup in action? Join Daily Acts for their upcoming Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Systems Walking Tour through Midtown Petaluma, where you’ll explore three unique properties showcasing greywater systems! Learn how “Laundry-to-Landscape” designs are helping homeowners conserve water, nourish their gardens, and create more resilient homes.
At each site, you’ll hear from the property owners about their experiences, gain practical insights into system design and installation, and leave inspired to take your own steps toward sustainable living.
Whether you’re curious about greywater basics or ready to implement a system at home, this tour is for you!
IN-PERSON EVENT: Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 10AM – 12PM
LOCATION: Mid-town Petaluma (Exact address given in follow up email after registration)
Register HERE.
If you have any questions about this event please do not hesitate to reach out to Ava at [email protected] or by phone (707) 789-9664.
We hope to see you there!
Fix Toilet Leaks & Save Money!
Toilet leaks are often silent and can waste hundreds of gallons of water per day, making the toilet the number one cause for a high-water bill. Dye tabs can easily identify toilet leaks and are available for free from The City of Petaluma.
CLICK HERE to have dye tabs mailed directly to you, or stop by the below locations to pick them up:
- City of Petaluma Water Field Office – 202 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma – Hours: Mon – Thurs, 8am – 5pm
- Petaluma City Hall (Finance Department) – 11 English St, Petaluma – Hours: Mon – Thurs, 8am – 5pm
To learn more about the Dye Tab Challenge running through March 31, and for a chance to win a $25 gift card, CLICK HERE.
The City of Petaluma is looking for talented people to join our team! Please click the links below for more information about our open positions.
Accounting Assistant I/II – Fixed Term
HRIS Analyst (Human Resources Analyst I/II) – Fixed Term
Part Time Recreation Leader (Summer Camps)
Police Officer (Current Academy Attendees and Graduates)
Public Safety Dispatcher – Lateral
The City of Petaluma is hard at work for our community. Please check out our upcoming meetings and click on the links below for more information:
Mar 3, 5:00pm – City Council/PCDSA Regular Meeting
Mar 5, 6:30pm – Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting
Mar 6, 6:00pm – Airport Commission Meeting
Mar 11, 6:00pm – Planning Commission Meeting
Mar 13, 9:00am – Senior Advisory Committee Meeting
Mar 17, 6:30pm – City Council/PCDSA Regular Meeting
Check for upcoming meetings, agendas, and how to participate on the City’s meeting webpage: https://cityofpetaluma.org/meetings/.