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5: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Priorities

 Item # Description 127 Work with Fair District board and agricultural stakeholders to find creative ways to promote and support Petaluma’s agricultural heritage. 136 Ensure ongoing and proactive maintenance of Petaluma’s public art. 154 Prioritize completion of all phases of the Petaluma Community Sports Field project. 214 Explore the potential to acquire Cedar Grove in … Continued

4: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Priorities

 Item # Description 42 Find ways for City operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, decrease waste, and minimize use of fossil fuels and investigate and pursue options for carbon sequestration. 49 Install solar panels on city-owned properties where appropriate and work with Sonoma Clean Power on a solar program for potential revenue generation. … Continued

5: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Priorities

129. Identify partners and funding for developing the fairground property. 128. Engage the community to envision and adopt a master plan for the fairgrounds property. 130. Celebrate existing public art by completing an inventory and develop promotional materials. 134. Continue to look for opportunities for smaller, community-oriented public art projects. 139. Develop a rehabilitation/reconfiguration plan … Continued

4: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Priorities

46. Establish and promote a citywide sustainability program leading with exemplary environmental practices. 47. Adopt a Zero Waste ordinance. 56. Update Implementing Zoning Ordinance (IZO) to ensure ability to provide full environmental review for all discretionary projects. 60. Adopt a citywide single-use plastic and polystyrene ban. 64. Create tool / dashboard that tracks City progress … Continued

3: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Priorities

 Item # Description 120 Robust focus on the riverfront and river-oriented development, including redevelopment potential of the Golden Eagle Shopping Center and Water Street.

3: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Priorities

114. Identify potential parking and transportation alternatives for downtown. 186. Work with local businesses who need support during COVID recovery. 221. Revisit Cannabis Ordinance and consider storefront options.

2: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Priorities

73.1. Prioritize youth safety through education, safe routes to school, enforcement, traffic calming, and community resource officers. 73.2. Restore the Homeless Outreach Services Team. 76. Adopt a Care and Shelter operations manual to improve City logistics planning during emergencies. 88. Facilitate construction of Accessory Dwelling Units. 92. Adopt a Tobacco Retail Licensing ordinance and re-evaluate … Continued

1: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Priorities

 Item # Description 15 Identify funds and develop plan to improve Petaluma’s streets and roads. 22 Complete the second SMART station at Corona. 30 Engage and support all City committees and commissions, allowing opportunities to cross-pollinate with each other and to better integrate and provide recommendations for improved City decision-making. 159 Update the Citywide Records … Continued

1: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Priorities

4. Review and update the City’s Development Impact Fees where appropriate. 9. Study the feasibility of developing a City-wide Fellowship Program with Sonoma State and/or other institutions of higher education. 13. Establish a new employee orientation program. 14. Identify funding options to complete Petaluma’s planned cross-town connectors. 18. Establish and improve paths, as useful transportation … Continued

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