Reports & Records

We've Got Info

The City keeps track of a lot of information. We have records to track decisions and discussion by the City Council. We also have police reports, water testing reports, maps, permits and much more. In most cases, you are entitled to see any City record. Some reports remain confidential like police and fire reports. We work hard to organize our data and information so that you can find it easily.

Requesting records and reports often follows a formal process so that we can make sure the responses are complete and include the information you are seeking. In most cases there is a form involved which you will find by clicking through the categories below.

Public Records Act Requests


The City is responsible for making public records available when they are requested. This rule is called the California Public Records Act and it was enacted in 1968 and is intended to safeguard the accountability of government to the public. . This law describes the kinds of documents that are not subject to disclosure and the required time frame for producing records. These requests are generally concerning the conduct of governmental operations.  The City Clerk's office manages Public Record Act Requests for the City of Petaluma.

photo of reports on table

Public Records Act Request

These requests are generally concerning the conduct of governmental operations.  The California Public Records Act is intended to safeguard the accountability of government to the public.  We've created a form to ask the questions that will help us find the records you want. Click here to complete and submit the form online. Or download the form and submit to [email protected] or by mail/in person to City Clerk, 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA, 94952.

City Council Actions

The City Council reviews reports before every decision. To see these reports and/or related documents, check out our Granicus system.

Police Reports

As you can imagine, there are a lot of rules dictating how we keep and share police reports. Click here to learn who can receive a report and access the online form to request one.

Fire Marshal Documents

If you need information about a permit related to hazardous materials or other fire prevention issues, you will need to speak with our fire prevention team.

Planning Documents

There are several documents you might want to review related to planning policies.  Check them out here.

Fire Reports

Fire Reports are created to document incidents. They are only available to certain people in specific circumstances. Fill out the form to tell us what you need. We'll do the rest.


If you are looking for a publication, there is a chance you can download it directly from this website. Go to our publications page to look.

City of Petaluma Records and Retention Schedule

If you want more information about the Records Retention Schedule, click on this link, 2024- Records Retention Schedule.

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