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Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Petaluma’s public art program is committed to enhancing the appearance and cultural richness of the City by incorporating works of art.

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

The land use planning documents on this page are used to make decisions about future development and City construction projects.

Learn about the Water Service provided by the City of Petaluma. These programs include water delivery and quality, water recycling, and more!

Learn about STREETS in the City of Petaluma, including repair & maintenance priorities, streetlights & traffic management, street safety, and how to report a problem.

About Chair: Heidi Bauer Vice Chair: Blake Hooper City Council Liaison: Janice Cader Thompson City Management Liaison: Andrew Trippel Meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 11 English Street, Petaluma. The Planning Commission performs the duties prescribed in the present or any future zoning...

Permit applications are the starting point for your project. by Jennifer Williams Click HERE to access the permit processing page.

Click HERE to access the permit processing page. The city has made an attempt to retain any and all building records for each property within the city limits. Any permit records prior to 2002 are located in various sites and the retrieval process can take from two (2) to four (4) weeks. The records may include building...

Get City of Petaluma staff info such as info about benefits, job descriptions, and forms/handouts for employees.

What We Do The Risk Management Division is responsible for: Management and administration of the City’s self-insurance and purchased-insurance programs. Contract management and insurance documents review and verification. Consultation of risk assessment and risk control to City departments. Administration of all employee safety and wellness programs, including training. Administration of all tort claims filed against...

When it comes to building affordable housing, we can't do it alone. We rely on strong local networks and non profit partners' support.

The City receives money from the Federal Government to support projects that serve low-income seniors, persons with a disability, and more!

An important part of Petaluma's mission is to plan for housing that meets the community's needs. This includes identifying space for various housing types throughout the community. Petaluma's housing plan is called the Housing Element of the General Plan. That document is updated every five years, and outlines how Petaluma plans to make room for...

Read about Petaluma's mobile home rent stabilization program (Ordinance 1949 N.C.S), which helps stabilize rents for Petaluma mobile home owners.

Petaluma has had an Affordable housing program since 1984. Learn how the program works and what you need to do to get affordable housing.

Fair Housing & Landlord/Tenant Help The City of Petaluma contracts with Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC) to provide Fair Housing assistance and Landlord/Tenant Mediation for Petaluma residents. Petaluma People Services Center Phone: 707-778-8488 [email protected] What is Fair Housing? Housing discrimination is the unfair treatment of people based on their race, color, religion, sex, ancestry,...

Petaluma's First Time Homebuyer Program makes housing affordable to families that would otherwise not be able to afford to live in Petaluma.

See the district policing map for the Petaluma Police Department.

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