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Who? You need this permit to reface a sign that exists on or beside your business--or to place a new sign on or beside your business. Illuminated, wall, and monument signs require permits. How? Before you start designing the sign, review the City Rules or contact the Planning Division to identify the type of sign...

Who? You will need a Site Plan & Architectural Review (SPAR) for projects that involve: Building new or modifying existing commercial buildings or schools, churches, museums, art galleries, and certain other public buildings; Development in South Hills or West Hills; Structures and sites in designated Historic Districts; Subdivisions with five or more dwellings; More than...

Home Occupation Permit Who? You need this permit if you run a business from your home or someone else's home in Petaluma. This is true whether you: Provide services from your home—e.g., bookkeeping, tutoring, counseling, childcare, music lessons, etc. Sell products made elsewhere—e.g., you import jewelry and sell it online and/or through a distributor. Make...

Who? You need this permit if you run a business from your home or someone else's home in Petaluma. This is true whether you: Provide services from your home—e.g., bookkeeping, tutoring, counseling, childcare, music lessons, etc. Sell products made elsewhere—e.g., you import jewelry and sell it online and/or through a distributor. Make products that you...

See the City's Approved Trees List.

To report a clogged storm drain, contact the Public Works & Utilities Department at (707) 778-4546 or submit a storm drain report online or via our mobile app (search in Apple Store or Goole for engagEPetaluma).

The City of Petaluma does not add fluoride to its water.

Cloudy water is caused by air bubbles in the water and is completely harmless. You can tell if it is air if the cloudiness clears first from the bottom of a glass with the small air bubbles moving up towards the surface.  Our water originates from 60 to 80 feet below the gravel beds of...

Sometimes air enters the water pipes when the water service has been interrupted due to repairs. To release air from your water pipes: Run cold water for several minutes in order to release air and remove debris from the system Use bathtub faucets and hose bibs when possible for flushing your system, as they generally...

Occasionally the tap water in your home may look brown. Discolored water is the result of the minerals and iron in the water main being stirred up from increased water pressure.  Discolored water is SAFE to drink and does not pose a health risk.  The main causes of brown/discolored water are: Work being done on...

Replacing the sewer lateral line on your property benefits you and the City. It can significantly reduce your monthly sewer costs as well as reduce sewage back-ups on your property. Improving the way sewage is collected on your property helps the system as a whole, which is good for the City and its sewer customers....

The City’s Water Conservation Program provides rebates for installing high-efficiency toilets and clothes washers, as well as replacing your lawn with mulch. For more info, visit our Water Conservation page.  

To report a water leak: Report a water leak by calling the Public Works & Utilities Water Department at (707) 778-4546.  A City employee is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to assist you. To check for a water leak: Read our Water Leaks Tip Sheet for info. Or get help from...

If you observe water waste, please either call our Water Conservation Hotline at (707) 778-4507, or use our online reporting form. 

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