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Similar to the State's wage requirements, the proposed Petaluma ordinance requires employers to inform employees of the local wage and their rights at the onset of their employment and on an annual basis. Employers also need to put up posters or flyers listing the current wage and employee rights. These flyers need to be in...

Commissions can be factored in when calculating the Petaluma minimum wage. Employers shall use State guidelines for calculating minimum wage for commissioned employees. The state minimum wage can be used to calculate wages for these employees, as long as their hourly wage is no less than the Petaluma minimum wage. Because this is a complex issue,...

State Wage Orders regulate wages, hours, and working conditions of industries. Under these wage orders, certain types of employees must be paid a defined percentage over the state minimum wage. For example, auto technicians who bring their own tools must be paid twice the state minimum wage. The state minimum wage can be used to...

This ordinance covers all employees who work at least 2 hours per week in the City limits and who qualify for the minimum wage according to the California Labor Code. Tips and benefits cannot be included when calculating the Petaluma minimum wage. The ordinance does not apply to Federal, State, or County agencies. It also...


Sidewalk Sewer Water Monitoring Wells MISC

How to View and Pay for a Permit

Yes. The City is currently delivering recycled water to golf courses, City parks, schools, and other landscaping areas. The City is actively expanding the recycled water service area.

The well will be located in the general vicinity of the labyrinth, but the exact location is not known. The location will be finalized to facilitate construction activities, equipment, and materials.

It is possible that restrictions from Sonoma Water, the City’s main water supply source, will cause the City to need to use more local supply throughout the year. The CEQA document limits the amount of water able to be produced from the well at a little over 200 AFY.

The City has an aquifer storage recovery study in the planning stages, which will evaluate using wells for injection to later be used as a potable water supply source.

The pump is a submersible type of pump and will be located hundreds of feet below the ground. The well will be virtually silent. The minimal sound being generated will most likely come from the electrical equipment in the well house.

There are general known formations described as “Wilson Grove Formations” and “Fractured Bedrock”. The exact formations and types of soil that will be encountered during the drilling process and depths are variable.

Any situation that disrupts the ability to deliver water or meet the needs of the community would be considered an emergency. The residents in the immediate vicinity of Oak Hill will benefit from the supply and pressure from the well, but ultimately, the well can be used by the entire community of Petaluma.

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