Affordable Housing Program
Petaluma's Affordable Housing Program started in 1984 with small complexes for the elderly. Today the program serves the entire spectrum of housing needs: homeless shelters for both families and singles; shared and transitional housing for those families leaving the shelter; workforce housing for families and singles; homeownership opportunities; and special needs housing.
How the Program Works
The City of Petaluma does not build affordable housing units itself. Rather, it partners with developers and affordable housing nonprofits who do the actual building and who manage the application process, rents, etc.
Some properties, such as Logan Place, are 100% affordable housing units. Other properties have some affordable housing units along with market-rate housing units. Currently, all new developments are required to provide for affordable housing units, either by building units as part of the development or paying an in-lieu-of fee.
The City does not make placements. Instead, the properties manage availability and placement, either with their own staff or by working with a nonprofit. However, the City does monitor the housing to make sure that affordable housing recipients still qualify and that property owners are maintaining the property adequately.
Who Qualifies
Units have different eligibility requirements based on income and, in some cases, age. More information on specific requirements can be found through the property management companies for each individual property developer or housing nonprofit (check our Affordable Housing Directory List here or in the section below).
To learn more about income tiers and which income levels qualify for affordable housing, view the 2024 Income Information charts here:
Affordable Housing Income Information
Affordable Housing Income Information - Spanish
How to Get an Affordable Housing Unit
- Refer to the Affordable Housing Directory List to locate Affordable Housing Properties (CLICK HERE to view the Directory List in Spanish)
- Contact the affordable housing properties directly to ask about availability, eligibility, and the application process.
- Get and submit the application OR put your name on a waiting list.
For other affordable housing opportunities in Sonoma County, you can go to the County of Sonoma website here.
Other Resources
Click on the links below to access other resources such as property locations and a list of our partners.

Petaluma has shown a deep commitment to affordable housing since 1984. We work with nonprofit partners and developers to increase the number of affordable housing units in Petaluma.
Housing Division