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The City of Petaluma conducts general municipal elections on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. The right to vote is a fundamental freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. It allows us the right to choose the people who represent us and make the laws that we all live under.
We encourage you to REGISTER TO VOTE and, if you're interested, to run for public office.
The City Clerk serves as the City’s Election Official who, with support from the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters, administers Federal, State and Local procedures through which local government representatives are elected. The City Clerk assists candidates in meeting their legal responsibilities before, during and after an election. From election pre-planning to certification of election results and filing of final campaign disclosure documents, the City Clerk manages the elections process which forms the foundation of our democratic system of government.
For election related questions, please reach out to the City Clerk at [email protected].
The City of Petaluma will hold its next regularly scheduled municipal election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, which coincides with the Statewide General Election.
Important dates related to the upcoming election are listed here: CALENDAR OF EVENTS
The upcoming November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election will be the second district-based election for the City of Petaluma. The City has been mapped into six districts of nearly equal population. Voters in each district will vote for one eligible candidate to represent them on the City Council. Districts 1, 2, and 3 were the first three districts to elect district representatives in 2022. Districts 4, 5, and 6 will elect district representatives in the upcoming November 5, 2024. The Mayoral seat will continue as an at-large seat, and will be elected next in 2026.
Use the City's district lookup tool to find your voting district and additional information and resources:
To learn more about the City of Petaluma's transition to district elections in 2022, please click here.
County Voter Information Guide
Sonoma County is now officially a "Voter's Choice Act" County. Sonoma County previously conducted most elections using a traditional polling place model. The New Voter's Choice Act election model gives voters more flexibility in choosing how, when, and where to cast their ballots. As part of this model, the County will mail a ballot to all registered voters for each election in which they are eligible to participate, and the County will now offer a combination of official drop boxes and vote centers instead of polling places. Vote Centers differ from polling places in that they are open multiple days (not just on Election Day) and voters are not assigned to a single location; instead, they can go to any voter center in the County and receive the correct ballot.
Interactive Map of Official Ballot Drop Boxes and Vote Centers
Sonoma County Registrar of Voters will post election results starting at 8:00 PM on Election night and updated periodically. These results are not official until declared so.
Official nomination petitions for eligible candidates may be obtained from the office of the City Clerk, 11 English St, Petaluma, beginning 9:00 a.m. on Monday, July 15, 2024 through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 9, 2024. (Please note that City Hall is closed on Fridays. If you wish to pull or submit paperwork on a Friday during the nomination period, you must make an appointment by 5:00 p.m. the Thursday before.)
The Petaluma City Council has transitioned from at-large to district-based elections. This is the first time City Council Districts 4, 5, and 6 will be elected. As a result, there are no incumbents currently holding those offices. The nomination period for those offices will therefore end at close of business on August 9, 2024, and will not be extended. If no one or only one person files for an office, appointment may be made as prescribed by Elections Code § 10229.
Appointments to pull nomination papers are required, so the Clerk is able to review and explain all the documents required. A candidate should allow a minimum of 45 minutes for an appointment. To schedule an appointment please contact the City Clerk at [email protected] or (707) 778-4360.
Candidates are encouraged to obtain and file nomination documents early in the process, so the City Clerk has the opportunity to review them with the candidate, and to give the candidate an opportunity to correct any errors or omissions.
Please contact the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters for information on the Petaluma School Board Election.
Candidate | District | Date Papers Issued | Date Qualified | Candidate Statement |
Jay, Jeffrey "JJ" | 4 | 7/15/2024 | 7/31/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Hooper, Blake | 5 | 7/16/2024 | 8/1/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Barnacle, Brian | 6 | 7/16/2024 | 8/8/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Westney, Julie | 5 | 7/17/2024 | Withdrew | N/A |
Healy, Mike | 6 | 7/18/2024 | 8/8/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Kuehne, Lance | 6 | 7/29/2024 | 8/8/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Kirks, Susan | 6 | 7/29/2024 | Withdrew | N/A |
DeCarli, Alexander | 5 | 7/30/2024 | 8/9/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Quint, Frank | 4 | 8/5/2024 | 8/8/2024 | Candidate Statement |
Candidates must file a FPPC Form 501 before soliciting or receiving contributions. This form is to be filed hard-copy at the City Clerk's Office. This form is considered filed the date it is postmarked or hand delivered.
Additional campaign finance disclosures are due throughout the election period. All disclosures are to be filed electronically through the City's approved electronic filing system: NetFile. Information regarding when and where to file the various statements is available here: www.fppc.ca.gov/learn/campaign-rules.html.
All campaign finance disclosures are available to the public here: CAMPAIGN FINANCE DISCLOSURES
Political and campaign signs do not require a permit. Signs on behalf of candidates or measures shall be erected not earlier than 90 days prior to the election (Wednesday, August 7, 2024) and shall be removed within 15 days after such election (Wednesday, November 20, 2024).
Additional restrictions, including size and permitted locations, are listed in Section 20.100 of the City's Implementing Zoning Ordinance, available here: Zoning Ordinance Section 20.100.
Candidates may voluntarily take the Code of Fair Campaign Practices Pledge (Division 20, Chapter 5, Elections Code):
There are basic principles of decency, honesty, and fair play which every candidate for public office in the State of California has a moral obligation to observe and uphold in order that, after vigorously contested but fairly conducted campaigns, our citizens may exercise their constitutional right to a free and untrammeled choice and the will of the people may be fully and clearly expressed on the issues.
- I SHALL CONDUCT my campaign openly and publicly, discussing the issues as I see them, presenting my record and policies with sincerity and frankness, and criticizing without fear or favor the record and policies of my opponents or political parties that merit this criticism.
- I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT the use of character defamation, whispering campaigns, libel, slander, or scurrilous attacks on any candidate or his or her personal or family life.
- I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT any appeal to negative prejudice based on a candidate's actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation, sex, including gender identity, or any other characteristic set forth in Section 12940 of the Government Code, or association with another person who has any of the actual or perceived characteristics set forth in Section 12940 of the Government Code.
- I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT any dishonest or unethical practice that tends to corrupt or undermine our American system of free elections, or that hampers or prevents the full and free expression of the will of the voters including acts intended to hinder or prevent any
eligible person from registering to vote, enrolling to vote, or voting. - I SHALL NOT coerce election help or campaign contributions for myself or for any other candidate from my employees.
- I SHALL IMMEDIATELY AND PUBLICLY REPUDIATE support deriving from any individual or group that resorts, on behalf of my candidacy or in opposition to that of my opponent, to the methods and tactics that I condemn. I shall accept responsibility to take firm action against any subordinate who violates any provision of this code or the laws governing elections.
- I SHALL DEFEND AND UPHOLD the right of every qualified American voter to full and equal participation in the electoral process.
I, the undersigned, candidate for election to public office in the State of California or treasurer or chairperson of a committee making any independent expenditures, hereby voluntarily endorse, subscribe to, and solemnly pledge myself to conduct my campaign in accordance with the above principles and practices.
For information about voter registration, polling places, mail-in ballots and other election-related details, please check out the following websites:

City Clerk's Office
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
[email protected]
(707) 778-4360
Business Hours:
(by appointment, phone, or email)
Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 5:00pm
Drop-In Counter Hours:
Mondays 9:00am - 1:00pm
Tuesdays 9:00am - 3:30pm
Wednesdays 10:30am - 3:30pm
Thursdays 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays