First Time Home Buyer Program

The City of Petaluma First Time Homebuyer Program makes housing affordable to families that would otherwise not be able to afford to live in Petaluma. The Program is available to low and moderate-income households earning between 80% and 120% of Petaluma's median income as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is updated each year.  In the past, the City provided financial assistance to help homebuyers buy a home.  Unfortunately, those funds are no longer available. Today, the City partners with the Land Trust of Sonoma County to build and sell new homes to qualified buyers.

More Information

Contact Housing Manager, Karen Shimizu

Visit the Land Trust Website.

Application Process

Complete the Application and return it to Karen Shimizu.

Your name will be placed on our mailing list and you will be notified by mail when a home becomes available for purchase.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. First Time Home Buyer: You cannot have owned a home as their prinicipal residence within three (3) years prior to applying for this program with certain exceptions.
  2. Owner Occupied: The home must be your principal place of residence and cannot be leased or rented during the term of the City loan.
  3. Family Preference: Families that live or work within the City Limits are given a preference to purchase these homes.
  4. Maximum Income: The household qualifying income for the First Time Homebuyer Program is between 80 to 120% of the Area Median Income.

Communities in the Program

  • Magnolia Hills – Established in 1988
  • Madison Manor – Established in 1990
  • Cherry Hills – Established in 1992
  • Hillview Oaks – Established in 1992
  • Corona Crescent – Established in 1994
  • Wisteria Homes – Established in 1996
  • Frates Square – Established in 2007
  • Coming Soon - Brody Ranch BMR units
photo of couple on their porch

The City of Petaluma is committed to making homeownership reachable for low and moderate income buyers.

by Sue Castellucci

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