The City of Petaluma is thrilled to continue and expand its partnership with HomeFirst, a leading provider of services, shelter, and housing opportunities for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in California's Bay Area. HomeFirst employs Housing First and harm reduction models, focusing on removing barriers to housing and proactively addressing homelessness. We are excited to collaborate with their team to achieve Petaluma's vision of reaching functional zero chronic homelessness by the end of 2025.
Click HERE to visit their website.
Petaluma Outreach Team
HomeFirst’s Petaluma Outreach Team connects homeless individuals in South Sonoma County to permanent housing and emergency shelter. The team prioritizes those with severe vulnerabilities, offering intensive case management for up to 100 people at a time, alongside lighter support for others in need.
Landlord Recruitment Initiative (LRI)
Through the Landlord Recruitment Initiative (LRI), HomeFirst matches landlords with individuals that are currently experiencing homelessness, but eager to establish roots. By partnering with HomeFirst and renting your unit to those they serve, you’ll find reliable tenants and play a pivotal role in transforming lives.
Special Populations Coordinator
Once yearly, HomeFirst’s Special Populations Coordinator will collaborate with the City of Petaluma to develop a priority population of focus. The Special Populations Coordinator will then carry a small caseload from the identified group, testing new approaches and developing new referral pathways. Through this position, The City of Petaluma and HomeFirst aim to improve the system of care for the entirety of the priority population.