Housing and Homeless Services Request for Proposal Application Process
The city is now accepting requests for proposals for the City Housing and Homeless Services Programs for the fiscal year 2024-2025. Program and project areas include homeless services, street outreach, shelter operations, prevention programs, housing options services and affordable housing development.
Application Due Date
Applications are due no later than 5:00P.M. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Applications must be submitted via the www.citydataservices.net. If you have any immediate questions, please contact city staff at [email protected].
How To Apply
City Data Services will be hosting the application process. For those that have existing programs, use exiting credentials and go to www.citydataservices.net to complete your application. New applications need to go to http://www.citydataservices.net and enter the username PET2024 and password PET2024.
Complete the short questionnaire including agency name, program name and agency email to generate a unique username and password. Using the unique credentials, through City Data Services, you will be able to complete your application. If you need assistance logging in or technical assistance with your application, please email [email protected].
Questions, Comments?
Join the City of Petaluma for a virtual technical assistance meeting on Thursday, April 18th at 10am to answer any program or technical questions about the city application or application process. CLICK HERE to attend the meeting.
Meeting ID: 225 791 308 56
Passcode: pNDH95
Dial-in by phone
+1 707-596-6804,,9707236# United States, Santa Rosa
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 970 723 6#
If you cannot attend the meeting or for additional questions, please contact [email protected].