Business Checklist

Every business is different. But all businesses need to comply with general operating requirements. Here’s our list to get you started.

1. Create a Business Plan

A business plan will help you clarify your business goals and identify action steps for achieving those goals. A business plan is also important for investors, who will typically ask to see your roadmap to profitability.


2. Plan for Location & Workspace Needs

Petaluma’s land/building use requirements and safety codes affect businesses in a wide variety of ways, from the way a space is used to how equipment is installed. Before you start a search for commercial space or set up shop at home, make a list of everything you’ll be doing in the space. This will help you identify what type of space you’ll need, as well as think through special inspections or permits you’ll need to do business.


  • Go to to research where in the City your business might be allowed and to scope permit requirements.
  • Request a personalized real estate search from the Economic Development Division.
  • Read the tip-sheet “5 Questions to Ask Before You Sign a Lease” and follow the suggestions.
  • Contact the Planning Division to verify zoning on any space you're considering.

3. Identify Business License & Permit Requirements

You’ll need to give your business a name, decide what legal structure it will follow, and then apply for applicable business permits and licenses required by the City and other agencies.
Completing these steps involves time and money. Help from legal professionals and business consultants might help you stay on track and within budget.


  • Visit to identify which permits and licenses you might need.
  • Research City of Petaluma requirements at
  • Based on your research, contact the relevant agencies to understand the requirements.
  • Consult with appropriate business professionals and start completing applications!

4. Plan for Equipment

Before you purchase equipment (especially if it’s been previously owned), be sure to identify where you might need special permits or inspections. Petaluma is in an earthquake zone that requires specially designed equipment.

As a general rule, permits and inspections are required for equipment that is bolted to the ceiling, floor, or wall; emits fumes or smoke; makes noise; or discharges waste including
water. Permits and inspections are also required for all storage systems higher than 12” feet (known as high-piled storage) and for storage of flammable materials (including certain fabric or paper products).


  • Create a list of the equipment you will need and how that equipment will be installed.
  • Contact the City’s Building Division ([email protected]) and Fire Prevention Bureau ([email protected]) to confirm equipment-related permit and inspection requirements.
  • Research state incentives at:
  • Businesses that make, prepare, or serve food/beverages should contact the City’s Environmental Services Division at
    707-776-3777 to discuss grease trap requirements.

4. Plan for Equipment

Before you purchase equipment (especially if it’s been previously owned), be sure to identify where you might need special permits or inspections. Petaluma is in an earthquake zone that requires specially designed equipment.

As a general rule, permits and inspections are required for equipment that is bolted to the ceiling, floor, or wall; emits fumes or smoke; makes noise; or discharges waste including
water. Permits and inspections are also required for all storage systems higher than 12” feet (known as high-piled storage) and for storage of flammable materials (including certain fabric or paper products).


  • Create a list of the equipment you will need and how that equipment will be installed.
  • Contact the City’s Building Division ([email protected]) and Fire Prevention Bureau ([email protected]) to confirm equipment-related permit and inspection requirements.
  • Research state incentives at:
  • Businesses that make, prepare, or serve food/beverages should contact the City’s Environmental Services Division at
    707-776-3777 to discuss grease trap requirements.

5. Get Funded

Financing a start-up can be tough, especially for first-time entrepreneurs. A solid business plan and realistic budget will strengthen your pitch for cash. Be sure to investigate grants and small business loans offered by state and federal government agencies. Banks and credit unions—particularly local ones—are also worth looking into. Take stock of your savings and be prepared to ask family/friends for help.


  • Contact the Small Business Development Center to fine-tune your budget and get financing help.
  • Update your budget based on your space and equipment needs assessment.
  • Start asking for money—use the financing resources at online resources

6. Network for Success

Petaluma business leaders like to collaborate, and they do so through many different channels, including philanthropic organizations. Decide which channels fit your personality and business model, and then network for success.


  • Contact the local Chamber of Commerce, the Petaluma Downtown Association, and other local business groups.
  • Set a goal for attending networking and community events.
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