Economic Development FAQs

What is the minimum wage in Petaluma?

Petaluma has a local minimum wage that is higher than the State minimum wage. This minimum wage applies to hours worked within the city limits.  The Petaluma minimum wage for 2024 is $17.45 per hour for all employers, regardless of size. The 2024 wage reflects an increase of 2.3% based on June prior year CPI-W, calculated using this table – CPI-W table.

Check out our minimum wage web page for more info about the Petaluma minimum wage ordinance.

Do I need a business license and how do I get one?

Every business that is located in or doing business within the City limits is required to obtain a business certificate (often referred to as a business license) from the City and pay appropriate business tax. The application review process takes about six weeks and requires a Safety Inspection (see checklist). See the Business Certificate Fees Chart  and download the application form and instructions to start.

How do I start a cannabis business?

The City of Petaluma regulates the types of cannabis businesses and requires an annual permit and review by the Community Development Department. Learn more and download the permit application at

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