Petaluma Minimum Wage
2024 & 2025 Petaluma Minimum Wage
The Petaluma minimum wage for 2024 is 17.45/hour. Starting January 1, 2025, the Petaluma minimum wage rate will be $17.97/hour. This wage reflects a 3% increase, calculated using the June prior year Bay Area CPI-W. Click HERE to view CPI-W table.
Under Petaluma’s Minimum Wage ordinance, a “Learners Wage” may be applied to employees who are at least fourteen years of age but not more than seventeen years of age during their first one hundred sixty hours of employment in occupations in which they have no previous similar or related experience. Learners shall be paid not less than eighty-five percent of the minimum wage rounded to the nearest five cents.
The Learners Wage for 2024 is $14.85. The Learners Wage for 2025 will be $15.30.
On August 5, 2019, the Petaluma City Council unanimously approved the adoption of a local minimum wage ordinance. Click HERE to read the ordinance.
This ordinance:
- Requires employers to pay a Petaluma minimum wage, rather than the state wage, for employee hours worked within the Petaluma City limits.
- Establishes a two-tiered wage during the first year of implementation (2020), then a single wage starting in the second year of implementation (2021).
- Adds an annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) based on regional consumer price index.
How to File a Complaint
To file a minimum wage complaint, please fill out and submit the intake form located here.
City Contact Information
For questions or assistance, please contact the Economic Development Division at [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Petaluma minimum wage?
- Who is covered by or subject to the Petaluma minimum wage?
- How do commission earnings affect the Petaluma minimum wage?
- Are there noticing requirements for employers?
- What rights do employees have with the Petaluma minimum wage?
- Who should be contacted if an employee believes they are not being paid the correct wage?
- How do State Wage Orders Affect the Petaluma Minimum Wage?
- How does the City enforce the Petaluma minimum wage?
- What is the difference between the Petaluma Living Wage and the Petaluma Minimum wage?
- Which wage applies if an employee is eligible for both the Petaluma Minimum Wage and the Petaluma Living Wage?