Commercial Lease – 5 Questions to Ask Before You Sign!

How and When Can the Space Be Used?

Before you seriously consider a space to lease or purchase, it’s important to confirm which types of business activities are allowed there.

As a first step, you’ll want to check the location’s zoning designation to verify whether your business would be permitted; permitted with a conditional use permit (CUP); or prohibited.

You can check zoning through the Zoning Portal at or by contacting the City’s Planning Division, in person or via email at [email protected].

Planning can also help you identify if there are limitations related to operating hours (which would influence your company’s ability to have a 24-hour operation); or truck traffic (which might affect the ease with which you receive and ship products).

How will safety and ADA access affect your use of the space?

A space might have the right vibe and the right location, but it won’t be the right space for you if it requires a large investment of time and money to bring it “up to code” for your business needs.

Be sure to spend extra time on due diligence to identify whether a property would be subject to codes or restrictions related to:

  • Zoning, such as needing a conditional use permit (CUP)
  • Changes in use, e.g., from retail to restaurant
  • Location within a historic district
  • Changes in occupancy (triggers the need for sprinklers)
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
  • Location in Flood Zone

What Permits and Fees Will be Triggered by Renovations?

Renovations take time and money, not just to get designs sketched and construction finished, but also to get plans reviewed, permits pulled and inspections completed.
Some businesses will hire a licensed design or construction professional, such as an architect or a contractor, to help them evaluate potential locations with Petaluma’s permit requirements and development review process in mind.

Other ways to scope permit requirements and estimate fees include:


Do some research about fees and requirements related to what you put down the drain, in the air or in the hazardous waste bin. Think about how the space might increase your environmental footprint—or minimize it through better workflow on the manufacturing floor or closer proximity to employees and transportation.

If your business involves food and/or beverages, contact the City’s Environmental Services Division at 707-776-3777 to learn about sewer and water requirements. Check with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for regulations and incentive programs related to emissions.


A building that hasn’t been updated since the 1950s might pose challenges to a company with 21st-century plumbing and gas/electrical needs. Another issue, even in newer buildings, is broadband. Contact local carriers about coverage, then confirm with other businesses about service quality. Refer to the resources below.

City Water & Sewer 



COP Fair Wage graphic

Check these questions to ensure the location you love can be used for your business!

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