Residential Tenancy Protections

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In January 2020 California's Tenant Protection Act (TPA) went into effect which significantly changed the rules around renting residential property, including rent stabilization which limits how landlords can raise rent and when they can terminate rental agreements. In October 2022, Petaluma City Council adopted an interim ordinance that provides extended tenant protections, expands the units they apply to (including single family homes), accelerates when the protections take effect for tenants, and establishes remedies for violations. A new Ordinance amending the Interim Ordinance was adopted on May 15, 2023, and took effect on June 15, 2023.

Community outreach took place January - March, 2023, to collect feedback from tenants, landlords, and other community members on what elements of the ordinance they recommend Council amend or retain. Outreach included two stakeholder meetings (both on Jan. 26), two community workshops (February 1 & 4 - view the virtual workshop here), a community survey (February 4-24), as well as a Council workshop (March 6).

Ordinance Information

Click here to view the City of Petaluma’s Tenant Protections Ordinance.
Click here to view the related Staff Report.
Click here to view the Powerpoint that was presented at all of the community workshops.

The Residential Tenancy Protections were designed to:

  • Prevent arbitrary, retaliatory, or discriminatory evictions
  • Provide enhanced rental protections beyond the TPA, for more units and tenants to acquire the protections faster than provided by the TPA
  • Provide proper notice to tenants about their rights and about termination of tenancy
  • Provide relocation assistance to tenants who are evicted under certain circumstances
  • Ensures that all noticing is provided in both English and Spanish, or provided in the same language as the original Lease Agreement
icon for tenants in a house


Petaluma People Service Center
Free, non-biased services to all tenants, agents, and landlords who live in, manage, or own property in Petaluma.
Phone: 707-765-8488

City of Petaluma Housing Manager
Questions about the City's rules and submitting required forms.
Email: [email protected]

Legal Aid of Sonoma County
Help with eviction defense, Section 8 issues, mobile home park support, habitability problems, and price gouging for low-income tenants.
Phone: 707-843-4432

Guide to Tenant Protections in Petaluma

Learn More About Your Rights as a Tenant

Noticing Required by Landlords

Mobile Home Rent Program

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