Adoption of Tree Preservation Ordinance and Updated City Policies and Procedures

Goal Background

Trees have multiple positive benefits related to providing wildlife habitat, sequestering carbon to help mitigate climate change, reducing the heat-island effect, and increasing property values through beautification. Petaluma’s existing tree ordinance has not been updated to realize the increased benefit of enhanced tree protection. The updated tree preservation ordinance would update internal processes and permitting related to tree removal, update provisions for tree maintenance, planting in the public right of way, and update standard provisions for all entitlements and land use permitting. This legislation and policy update is expected to be considered by Council in Spring 2023.

The first milestone, Review Existing Regulations, Review of Draft Tree Technical Manual and ReLeaf, and Identify Case Studies, Best Practices, is anticipated to be completed by Quarter 1 of FY 2023.


*Please note the City of Petaluma's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Milestone Description
(If viewing on mobile, turn the screen sideways to view the entire width of the chart)

Estimated Completion

Progress Status Q1 July-Sept 2022 Q2 Oct-Dec 2022 Q3 Jan-Mar 2023 Q4 Apr-Jun 2023 Q1 Jul-Sept 2023 Q2 Oct-Dec 2023 Q3 Jan-Mar 2024 Q4 Apr-Jun 2024 FY25 & Beyond
Review existing regs, review of draft tree technical manual and Releaf and identify case studies, best practices FY23 Q1 Complete
Update local ordinances to provide greater protection for pvt & street trees FY23 Q2 In progress
Community engagement/public comment/CCB review FY23 Q3 Upcoming
Council adoption FY23 Q4 Upcoming
Update internal processes and permitting to align with objectives and adopted ordinance FY23 Q4 Upcoming
Update provisions for tree maintenance, preservation, and planting in public parks and within the public right-of-way (street trees) FY23 Q4 Upcoming
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