City Goals & Priorities Background
FISCAL YEAR 2021 - 2023
In 2021 we held two workshops on April 26, 2021, and June 28, 2021, to get community input and feedback. We also reflected on what we added to the list. Much of our work changed because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The City Council then finalized our workplan for the upcoming two years.
Review the 2021-2023 Workplan (Booklet form)
Review excel worksheet with all goals - complete, ongoing, and current
FISCAL YEAR 2019 - 2021
In February 2020, we updated our Goals and Priorities, right before COVID came into our lives. Needless to say, things changed.
Review the 2020 Update
Review completed work from 2019 - 2020 Workplan
Review ongoing work from 2019-2021 Workplan