Create Citywide Electrification Plan

Goal Background

The City Council’s approval of the Climate Emergency Framework on January 11, 2021 set a goal for the City of Petaluma to become carbon neutral by 2030.  Major sources of carbon emissions in the City of Petaluma are transportation and existing buildings.  Electrification and fuel switch to renewable sources for the transportation and housing sectors would significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  A citywide electrification plan will identify barriers and propose solutions for electrification of existing Petaluma buildings and infrastructure, including infrastructure upgrades needed to support electrification of buildings and vehicles.

The first milestone, Review Electrification Plans for Other Jurisdictions, is anticipated to be completed by Quarter 2 of FY 2023.


*Please note the City of Petaluma's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Milestone Description
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Estimated Completion

Progress Status Q1 July-Sept 2022 Q2 Oct-Dec 2022 Q3 Jan-Mar 2023 Q4 Apr-Jun 2023 Q1 Jul-Sept 2023 Q2 Oct-Dec 2023 Q3 Jan-Mar 2024 Q4 Apr-Jun 2024 FY25 & Beyond
Review electrification plans for other jurisdictions (Berkeley, San Jose) FY23 Q2 Complete
Meet quarterly with internal working group. Engage with partners to create Urban Building Energy Model. FY23 Q4 Current
Develop outreach and education resources on City website to publicize existing incentives, rebate programs FY23 Q4 Current
Initiate educational outreach efforts with contractors, architects, etc. FY23 Q4 Upcoming
Identify legal and regulatory challenges to focus approach. FY23 Q4 Upcoming
Conduct community outreach, listening sessions, and opportunities for feedback FY24 Q1 Upcoming
Develop incentive programs, address equity issues, (no cost permits, low interest loans, etc.) FY24 Q2 Upcoming
Draft Citywide Electrification Plan with implementation to: draft a burnout ordinance, a clean energy mandate, potential early appliance retirement. FY24 Q3 Upcoming
Review with CCBs FY24 Q4 Upcoming
Adoption process FY24 Q4 Upcoming
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