Fire Prevention Bureau


CUPA requirements regulate how hazardous materials are stored and used in our community. Read the CUPA page to learn about the requirements and how to find out what hazardous materials are present nearby.

Safety Education

Too many tragedies have occurred because fire codes were not adequate or were ignored. We help people understand how to be fire safe, at home, at work, and in the community. Read our safety tips.


We inspect all commercial construction and equipment installation projects and residential projects that involve fire sprinklers. We also do annual inspections of businesses.

Fire Prevention Plan Review

The Fire Prevention Bureau reviews permits from the Building Department, Planning Department, as well as its own permits for all work conducted on fire protection systems and more.

Development Review Committee

We are a part of the plan review process. That means we need to review and sign off on all residential and commercial projects that require a permt.

Protection Systems

Some commercial and residential construction projects trigger the need for sprinklers and/or fire protection systems. We help the community understand these requirements, then review plans and inspect properties to make sure the requirements are met.

Request a Report

We are legally required to submit a report after a fire incident. This report is often reviewed by insurance companies after a claim has been made. Use our online form to request a fire report.

Weed Abatement / Hazardous Vegetation

Dried out grasses and other plant debris pose a serious fire risk in certain areas of the City. The weed abatement program helps the City reduce this risk and keep the community (and firefighters) safe. Our team identifies problem properties, then works with the owners to make sure the risk is reduced.

Emergency Prep

Fire Prevention Bureau staff help educate the community about emergency preparedness. In the event of a wide-scale emergency or natural disaster, we would serve on the City's Emergency Operations Center.

Helpful Links

Fire Prevention Bureau staff have compiled some useful links to help the community about air quality, California code information, and various other helpful information.

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