Public Safety Facilities Master Plan
Supporting Public Safety in Petaluma
As one of the City Council's top ten Goals & Priorities, the Public Safety Facilities Assessment and Master Planning Process is underway to create Fire, Police, and Emergency facilities that will serve Petaluma into the 21st century.
Currently, both new construction and renovations to existing Fire and Police stations are needed to address inadequate public safety facilities city wide. For example, Fire Station 1 needs seismic upgrades, while Stations 1, 2, and 3 lack crew space for our diverse workforce. The Police Station similarly is poorly configured to meet the needs of a modern police department, with inadequate locker space, showers, meeting, and office space. This project will develop a road map and strategic plan to move our Public Safety facilities into the 21st century.
The Strategic Master Plan Presentation - Nov. 20, 2023
City Staff partnered with Laura Blake Architect and MW Studios to prepare a Public Safety Facilities Strategic Master Plan, which was presented to the City Council and community at the Nov. 20, 2023, City Council Meeting. This plan will help guide the City in its policy-making relative to fire, emergency operations, and police capital improvement projects. At the meeting, Council adopted the resolution accepting the plan and directed staff to prepare an RFP for design and project management services for construction of a new Fire Station/Emergency Operations Center.
We invite you to read the proposed Strategic Master Plan document HERE, and view the City Council Meeting Presentation HERE.
*Please note the City of Petaluma's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Public Safety Facilities Strategic Master Plan Timeline: Planning & Implementation