Flooding FAQs

Where do I get sandbags before a flood event?

City-provided Stations

The following locations will provide sand, sandbags, and shovels for community members to make their own sandbags.

  • 840 Hopper Street (City Corp Yard): See map here.
  • Prince Park (2301 East Washington): Sandbag materials will be located at the park entrance to the right in the empty parking lot. See map here.

Sandbag Purchase Options
Many hardware/home improvement stores sell sandbags. Please call the store beforehand to confirm availability.

How do I donate or volunteer during a wildfire or other emergency?

The City works with Petaluma People Services Center to coordinate donations and volunteers during a wildfire or other emergency.

PPSC is a trusted partner in our community. It has good working relationships with other nonprofits, including faith based organizations, that serve our community.

For information about how to donate/volunteer, please contact PPSC at (707) 765-8488 or petalumapeople.org.

How do I get Flood Insurance?

CLICK HERE to learn more about FEMA’s flood insurance. CLICK HERE to view the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Petaluma.

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