Power Shutoff FAQs

PG&E will call for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) during hot, dry, and windy conditions in order to reduce the risk of wildfire caused by PG&E equipment.

Below are some frequently asked questions (and answers!) based on PG&E information and the City's experience during the 2019 PSPS events. For more information, including updates on current or upcoming PSPS events, please go to PGE.com.


  1. How do I donate or volunteer during a wildfire or other emergency?
  2. Where can I go during a Public Safety Power Shutoff?
  3. How do I use my medical device or keep medicine cold during a PSPS or other power outage?
  4. What is a Public Safety Power Shutoff?
  5. How do I know if my power will be turned off in a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

How do I donate or volunteer during a wildfire or other emergency?

The City works with Petaluma People Services Center to coordinate donations and volunteers during a wildfire or other emergency.

PPSC is a trusted partner in our community. It has good working relationships with other nonprofits, including faith based organizations, that serve our community.

For information about how to donate/volunteer, please contact PPSC at Phone (707) 765-8488 or petalumapeople.org.

Where can I go during a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

PG&E operates drop-in Community Resource Centers during the day in counties impacted by a PSPS.

All centers provide ADA-accessible restrooms and hand-washing stations, medical equipment charging, device charging, Wi-Fi, bottled water and snacks.

Indoor centers also offer air-conditioning or heating, seating and ice.

For more information, go to PG&E’s community resources web page.

How do I use my medical device or keep medicine cold during a PSPS or other power outage?

People who rely on a medical device that requires electricity or who take medicine that must be refrigerated must take special care to prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff.

Here are steps to take NOW so that you are ready when a PSPS is called:

Register with PG&E’s medical baseline program
Click HERE for more information. Medical Baseline customers may receive extra notifications as part of this outreach which may include additional phone calls or a door knock to ensure they’re aware and can make preparations to stay safe. It is important that Medical Baseline customers acknowledge receipt of a notification by answering the phone and speaking or replying to the text message.

Consult your Health Provider
Because each situation is unique, we recommend that you ask your health care provider or pharmacist for advice on how to properly store your medicine during a power outage.

Get Help from an Independent Living Center (ILC)
If you rely on power to operate life-sustaining medical devices, an ILC may be able to cover the costs associated with accessible transportation to and from PG&E Community Resource Centers. They may also provide funds for hotel expenses, use their offices as charging stations, and provide loaner backup battery power. Get more info HERE.

Investigate Backup Power
To learn about backup power options, go to PG&E’s backup power web page.

Tips for Keeping Medication Cold
Read this handout.

What is a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

A “Public Safety Power Shutoff” or “PSPS” is an intentional shut off of the electricity grid for safety reasons, such as to reduce fire risk during gusty and dry weather. The electricity utility that serves the area–PG&E, for Petaluma–is the entity that calls for the PSPS.

Go to the PG&E website for information about how to plan for and respond to a PSPS.

How do I know if my power will be turned off in a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

You can find out if your power will be turned off in several ways:

PGE Alerts:
When possible, PG&E will email, phone, or text to customers who will be impacted by a PSPS, before power is turned off. PG&E is striving to send alerts 48 hours, 24 hours, and immediately before the scheduled PSPS.

Note: PG&E will send alerts using the information on file. If your contact information and address are not in the PG&E system, you may not receive an alert. Update your contact information online or call 1-866-743-6589.

PG&E Outage Map
Go to PG&E’s main web site and link to the PSPS outage map. There you should be able to view a map that shows where the PSPS will be and type in your address and get information about whether you will be impacted by the PSPS.

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