Commemorative Bench Sponsorship Program
The City of Petaluma has adopted a uniform policy for accepting charitable sponsorships to replace existing benches within city parks, along trails, or public facilities. Providing individuals and organizations an opportunity to commemorate a person, celebrate an occasion, or express appreciation for parks provides the residents of Petaluma a public benefit as well as supports the beautification and accessibility of public spaces.
The Commemorative Bench Sponsorship Program serves to provide guidance and consistency to those interested in sponsoring a park bench in matters pertaining to bench standards, locations, length of terms, sponsorship costs, plaques, and the application process.
Process for Commemorating a Bench:
1. Download and Read the Commemorative Bench Sponsorship Program Description.
2. Download and Complete the Commemorative Bench Sponsorship Program Application.
3. Email completed applications to [email protected]. Staff will be in contact with you.
Please note that no agreement is finalized without the written approval by the City of Petaluma's Superintendent of Parks and Facilities or her/his designee